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Tom Nelson: What Is Biblical Rest?
Rest does not mean inactivity.
When Rest Is the Only Solution
In ministry there’s always more work to do. That’s why it’s essential to stop.
The Barnacles of Life
What Dallas Willard taught me about living the Jesus way in ministry.
Sunday Through a Pastor’s Eyes
Or why pastors need naps!
Vacation Resources for Cash-Strapped, Weary Pastors
Don’t let a shortage of funds prevent you from getting away.
I Am Not Rocky Balboa
And retreating from a fight doesn’t always mean defeat.
Take Time to Color
Coloring took my mind off ministry long enough to meet with God.
Rest Is Not an Option
The dangerous effects of our fast-paced lives on ministry
Multicultural Ministry
Find unity while celebrating diversity.
Loving Hard-to-Love People
Tools for serving difficult people.
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