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Andy Crouch: Authority and Vulnerability
Ideal image-bearing is a balance of authority and vulnerability.
Andy Crouch: All Flourishing Requires Risk
Are you an image bearer, or are you in poverty, safety or idolatry?
Andy Crouch: How Will the Image Be Restored?
Restoring the image requires Christians to engage with and create culture.
The Refugees Are Here
How a German pastor is teaching his people to welcome those displaced from Syria.
27 Benefits of Putting an Expiration Date On New Ministries In Your Church
Here's a great way open your church up to innovative new ideas by minimizing the risk – or at least the sting – of failure.
What Will the Church Do When the Freaks and Weirdos Show Up?
The Bible is thick with commands to welcome the stranger. But just how strange are we willing to welcome?
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