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Re-Placing the Church
How a Vancouver congregation is feeling the patient power of parish.
Our Big Step into Community
Giving up autonomy and anonymity for life, messy and stinky life, together. Gulp!
Downplaying Sunday
Church services can still be attractive when we stop being attractional.
The Gift of Volunteers
Operation Christmas Child’s Randy Riddle on growing and cultivating your volunteers.
Kingdom Misused
An interview with Scot McKnight, and more ...
The Dirty Secrets of Church Planting (Part 1)
Five hard truths they didn’t tell you in seminary.
A Radical Idea for This Christmas
Spend the season on a mission
Forgotten Kingdom?
And other items of interest from ministry and culture.
What ISIS Wants
Loving Muslim neighbors in the wake of gruesome executions and the Chapel Hill murders.
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