Politics+Current Affairs

Go Figure
Recent stats on Iraqi refugees, embezzlement, and Congress's religion.
Redirected Tithe
Eritrean officials seize church finances, jail Samaritan's Purse drivers.
Receipt at the Ready
New IRS guidelines clamp down on anonymous cash giving.
Compassionate Bedfellow
Ten years ago, a Jewish leader shamed Christians into caring.
Fluid Solution
Research advance could shift stem-cell debate.
Nepal's New Peacemakers
Christians become voice for freedom after national crisis.
Fatah Police Seize Gaza Baptist Church
As cease-fire agreements between Fatah and Hamas come and go, a church is literally caught in the middle.
The Colors of Lebanon
What would real peace mean?
The 'Jesus Manifesto' for Lebanon
Rebuilding the soul of a shattered nation on the brink of civil war.
The United Nations' Disarray
The decline of the human-rights agenda, and what evangelicals can do about it.
Euthanasia Confusion
Newspaper accounts of end-of-life debates too often muddle the issues.
Striking Out the Liberals
Conservative Christians are the hope of America, says Salem host Frank Pastore.
Go Figure
Recent statistics on who voted Democrat and churches offering election materials.
What Iraq's Christians Need
Two strategies to build up the church in the war-weary nation.
Quotation Marks
Comments on Chavez's Jesus, Bible widgets, and more.
Equal-Opportunity Offender
Uzbek government crackdown on Muslims worries evangelicals.
Miracle Vote
Churches in the Democratic Republic of the Congo rejoice over first free elections in 46 years.
Church fights town restrictions on services.
Church fights town restrictions on services.
Asbury Flap
Seminary in crisis after board ousts president.

Top Story April 29, 2024

Care for the Environment Is Biblical. It’s Also a Witness to Environmentalists.
Care for the Environment Is Biblical. It’s Also a Witness to Environmentalists.
Do activists often invest their work with religious significance? All the more reason for Christians to be discerning co-laborers.

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