Politics+Current Affairs

Paid Content for National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference
Paid ContentRaising Our Standards
It's time to improve education in America.
Study: Where Are the Women Leading Evangelical Organizations?
That's the mystery the Gender Parity Project, whose results debut this weekend, sets out to solve.
What Evangelicals Think About Scotland's Independence Vote
(UPDATED) After narrow "No" vote, Scottish evangelicals say churches will take lead in building the 'new Scotland.'
Do Christian Schools Produce Good Citizens? The Evidence Says Yes.
Christian private school graduates are just as engaged in their communities as their public school peers—if not more.
Three Views: Should Christians Resist Greater Government Surveillance?
In the era of massive data collection, Uncle Sam snoops on a grand scale.
Diversity in the Dorm Room
How college roommates teach us about race, culture, and ourselves.
I Didn’t Marry My Best Friend
Couples need more than just each other.
Confusions Abounding
Asian Americans cannot be pigeonholed.
Online Christian Higher Ed Skyrockets
Liberty, Grand Canyon universities super-charge distance education.
Ray Rice’s Domestic Abuse Saga: Why Not Leave Him?
Questioning the victim takes focus away from the real problem: the abuse.
Meet the New Kingdom Investors
A new model of Christian stewardship is scalable, global, and can compete with China. It will just cost you $100,000 to join the cause.
Capitalism and the Common Good
How to gear the free market so that people floursh.
Christians, Are You Ready For Some Football?
Another season, another round of football debates.
Life Together, Again
After Hobby Lobby, vibrant corporate life is needed more than ever.
Stem Cell Concerns Don't Freeze Evangelical Enthusiasm for Ice Bucket Challenge
(UPDATED) ALS raises $100 million in 30 days; pro-life groups worry about embryonic research.
The Real Benefits of Spanish-Immersion Elementary School
It’s not just about speaking another language.
Israel’s Christian Schools Threaten Strike over Government's 'Oppressive Steps'
'Don’t stop us from carrying on our mission,' say 50 schools as Jewish state slashes support.
The Wrong Kind of Christian
I thought a winsome faith would win Christians a place at Vanderbilt’s table. I was wrong.
On the Ground in Ferguson
Beauty, lament, and sitting together at the foot of the cross.
When Childhood Has Become a Race
Goodbye busy summer, hello busy school year: What have we lost in the rush?

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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