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Let the Cultural Christians Come unto Jesus
The world is realizing anew that our faith has tangible benefits. This is an opportunity for the gospel.
Rencontrer le Dieu insaisissable dans les espaces finis de la poésie
Scott Cairns, poète orthodoxe oriental, nous parle de son nouveau recueil, de son chemin de foi et des ressources de la poésie pour appréhender des réalités insondables.
The New Testament Authors Had Enslaved Helpers. How Much Does That Matter?
They likely farmed out the most physically arduous elements of composition. But they (and God) still deserve credit for the words.
Okuryazarlık Sonrası Bir Çağda Kutsal Kitap Okuryazarlığı
Her zaman Söz'ün insanları olmalıyız, ancak Kutsal Yazılarla derin bir ilişki kurmayı yeniden tahayyül etmemiz gerekecek.
Can a Secularizing Nation Have a Christian Soul?
One of England’s finest writers surveys the past and present of English faith.
Biblical Literacy in a Postliterate Age
We must always be people of the Word, but we’ll have to reimagine deep engagement with Scripture.
The Bible’s Development Is a Messy Story, but It Can Bolster Our Faith
If anything, the historical details are even messier than Susan Lim’s new account allows.
The Myth Behind the Meaning of Paul’s Words on Women and Childbearing
Sandra Glahn studies the record of an Ephesian goddess to aid our reading of a challenging passage.
Global Methodists Want to Check Bishops
Ahead of the first general conference, the new denomination is weighing possible limits on leaders.
Churches Shouldn’t Outsource Apologetics to Slick Conferences
When it comes to defending the faith, local congregations have long been the first line of defense.
Confronting the 21st-Century Church with the First-Century Church
Nijay Gupta helps us rediscover the compelling strangeness of the earliest Christians.
Як ми навчилися ненавидіти геноцид
Цезар хвалився тисячами смертей серед цивільного населення. Християни оплакують смерть навіть однієї людини.
Как мы научились ненавидеть геноцид
Цезарь хвастался тысячами смертей среди гражданского населения. Христиане оплакивают смерть даже одного человека.
The Chosen tourne sa face vers Jérusalem
Annoncée en français pour Pâques, la saison 4 de la série sur Jésus prend un tour plus sérieux. Échos de la première en anglais à Los Angeles.
Apa Dampak Pencurahan Rohani di Asbury? Yohanes Pembaptis Menawarkan 3 Pelajaran
Pelayanan sang nabi menolong kita memahami apa yang mungkin terjadi setahun setelah kebangunan rohani dimulai.

Top Story April 28, 2024

What Antisemitic Campus Chants Tell Us About This Angry Era
What Antisemitic Campus Chants Tell Us About This Angry Era
The rage of the mob is a poor substitute for real community.

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