Church Life+Ministry

Mystery Illnesses
"Under 1996 law, medical workers are prohibited from contacting churches about hospitalized members"
No Strings Attached
Christians seek to balance relief work and evangelism in Iraq
"Lutherans, Presbyterians Cut Budgets"
Staff positions and ministries trimmed in the face of a struggling economy
No Religion-Based Zoning
Illinois Vineyard church wins right to worship in its own building
"While Critics Worry About Continued FCC Deregulation, Christian Broadcasters Have Little to Fear"
"The few mom-and-pop religious stations remaining won't feel a significant change, say observers"
Denomination Thwarts Bankruptcy
Anglicans cut a deal regarding residential schools abuse suits
Before the Refugee Dam Breaks
"Agencies prepare to help up to 900,000 people in Iraq War"
Baptist Alliance Stung by SBC Cuts
Southern Baptist Convention trims funds to Baptist World Alliance
Quotation Marks
Selections from Christian leaders during the Iraq War
Go Figure
By mid-March 41 percent of churchgoers said their pastor had not mentioned the war
The God of War
God seems to sanction raw violence in the Old Testament. Does his character change in the New Testament?
Missing the Rupture
How two groups address the real issues behind church splits
'I Never Thought I'd See Anything Like that Again'
A famine worse than that of 1984 threatens Ethiopia
Law and Disorder
"Why your church might end up before a judge and jury, and what you can do to prevent it."
Gracia Burnham's Book Throws Philippine Government into Turmoil
President orders investigation into claims that military and rebels colluded. But former missionary hostage says, I am not pointing an accusing finger at anyone.
Benke Case Closed, but Tensions Remain
LCMS appeals panel rejects arguments of critics in 9/11 prayer debate
Gracia Burnham: 'I Speak My Mind'
The former hostage talks openly about what she learned about God, her Muslim captors, and herself during her captivity.
Inheriting the Cracked Earth
Material poverty and spiritual riches in Brazil's parched Northeast
Brazil’s Christian Roots
"Since the 1600s, the number of protestants has risen to more than 27 million"
The Pastor without a Paycheck
Randy Alcorn learned to live what he had preached while fleeing the wrath of abortionists and the judgment of the courts

Top Story June 3, 2024

Francis Collins’s New Project: Eliminate Hepatitis C
Francis Collins’s New Project: Eliminate Hepatitis C
The Christian doctor and researcher sees a “moral imperative” in destroying a curable fatal illness. Other countries are on track to erase it, but not the United States.

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