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Have Christians Made an Idol of Life?
Ezekiel Emanuel says he wants to die at 75. Why we can support his reasoning.
The Midlife Church Crisis
In Christ, there is neither empty nester nor new mom.
My Family's Journey through Alzheimer's
The unexpected beauty I found amid the terrifying disease.
Not All Older Christians Want to Be Your Mentor
How I grew to see mentorship as an honor rather than a burden.
Neither Fully Widow Nor Fully Wife
Alzheimer’s puts caregivers in painful in-betweens.
This Is 40
My upcoming birthday has me already thinking of dying.
Aged Out of Church
Even in our congregations, midlife has become a joke.
To Christian Women Under 40: We're Sorry
It’s time for women of faith to make amends.
Who Raised These Millennials Anyway?
Boomers: Enough complaining about today’s generation.
The Invisible Generation
Youth-focused Christianity may be sidelining the gifts of older women.
Runaway Mom and the Madness of Midlife
After 40, life doesn't have to fall downhill.
All Hail Maggie Smith
Finally, someone shows us how to age with dignity.
Is Longer Life Better?
Gilbert Meilaender looks at the case for using science to extend human life.
Don't Let Dysfunctional Politics Override the Christian Call for Justice
Facing critics from both sides after I quit the AARP.
'Imago Dei' in a Nursing Home
Bringing Alzheimer's into the pro-life Christian conscience.
Being Skinny Is Not a Christian Virtue
Finding the right motivations for caring for our bodies.
Seeing the Hidden Grace of Alzheimer's
Those who appear weak and foolish can be powerful conduits of God's love.
Why Friends Disappear When You Reach Midlife
Why loneliness can plague women in their 50s.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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