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Ministerios cristianos: digan no a los orfanatos
La pandemia puso presión sobre muchas naciones afectadas por la muerte de millones de padres y cuidadores. Pero se debe priorizar el cuidado familiar de los menores.
Want Better Relationships with Young Donors? Change Your Priorities.
New research tells us what motivates younger generations' giving.
Christian Ministries: Say No to Orphanages
COVID-19 crisis puts pressure on hard-hit nations with millions of caregivers dead. But family care is still preferred.
Churches Starting to See Cryptocurrency in the Collection Plate
As digital monetary systems go mainstream, ministries weigh pros and cons of accepting donations.
Knowing the History of Christian Charity Can Save Our Ministries Today
Knowing a little history doesn’t solve our problems, but it tends to add complexity and color to our thinking.
Football Player Sues RZIM Claiming Misuse of Funds
Class action alleges apologetics organization misrepresented the ministry and “bilked” faithful Christian donors.
Patrons’ Saints: Christians Turn to Patreon, Substack, and Kickstarter
As more evangelical figures embrace crowdfunding, is the format demanding too much of them?
More than a Meal: How Austin Ministries Are Expanding Their Approach to Homelessness
After the city voted to ban encampments in the Texas capital, more churches see advocacy, lobbying, and government partnerships as part of their outreach.
What Joe Biden Puts in the Collection Plate
Tax records show gifts to three churches, two religious charities, a food bank, and more.
When I Had No Heat, You Welcomed Me: Texas Churches Offer Refuge
With freezes knocking out power across the state, ministry networks rally to help.
Southwestern, Baylor Settle With Foundation that Shifted Support After Paige Patterson’s Firing
Three allies of former seminary president agree to ban from leadership in any Texas charities or Southern Baptist entities.
Bringing Hope and Healing to a War-Torn Homeland, One Footstep at a Time
Why one Congolese refugee believes shoes are a key ingredient for broader change.
Cuando murió la tercera parte de la humanidad
¿Cómo respondieron los cristianos ante la peste negra, la mayor catástrofe en la historia de la humanidad?
Charities Adapt to Save Christmas from COVID-19
Nonprofits are offering churches more ways to give during a season with fewer in-person gatherings.
Christians Invented Health Insurance. Can They Make Something Better?
How to heal a medical system that abandons the vulnerable.
Who Is My COVID-19 Neighbor?
The only way to beat the coronavirus in the US is to beat it everywhere. Can we really save the whole world?
Christians Urge Congress to Incentivize Charitable Giving
As coronavirus spreads, churches, charities, and other non-profits face declining donations and rising demand for help.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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