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Religion and Reconstruction
How Christians failed following the Civil War.
How to Pray for Our Troops
This Veteran's Day, let's commend our men and women of the services to the God who brings good even from the most evil circumstances.
Reports of the Revival
The Confederate camp became a school of Christ.
The Struggle for Lincoln's Soul
Was Abraham Lincoln a Christian? A look at the evidence.
The Abolitionists
Despised and often attacked, they courageously carried the slaves' cause for thirty years. Why have these inescapably Christian men and women been forgotten?
What About Ulysses S. Grant?
He was the Union's leading general and twice president of the United States. But he was no saint.
Preaching the Holy War
What did Protestant ministers say about the raging national battle?
God Is On Our Side
Selections from sermons during the Civil War era. From God Ordained This War: Sermons on the Sectional Crisis, 1830–1865 edited by David B. Chesebrough (University of South Carolina press, 1991). Used by permission.
The Secret Religion of the Slaves
They often risked floggings to worship God.
Top 12 Resources on Christianity and the Civil War
Christian History editors asked Dr. Charles Reagan Wilson to recommend books that creatively explore Christianity during the Civil War era. Here's his list.
Reports of the Revival
The Confederate camp became "a school of Christ."
Christianity and the Civil War: Did You Know?
Little-known or remarkable facts about Christianity during the American Civil War
The Puzzling Faith of Abraham Lincoln
Where was God in this brutal national war? An unbaptized non-churchgoer came up with a profound answer.
Headed for Heaven or Hell?
How would Lincoln answer? His political opponent, a famous frontier preacher, wanted to know.
Christianity and the Civil War: A Gallery of Firebrands and Visionaries
Leading people in religion and politics during the Civil War era

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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