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Are You Watching the Debates Tonight? Will They Talk About What Matters to You?
I don’t think much about tax policy, job creation, teachers unions, national defense, or public health. And I suspect that neither Romney nor Obama spends much time thinking about chores and report cards and rusty minivans. I certainly hope they don’t.
Discerning Obama's America
A political scientist examines Dinesh D'Souza's '2016.'
Evangelicals Vote Republican—Mormon or No Mormon
Some pundits said evangelicals would never support a Mormon. They were wrong.
Romney vs. Romney on the Safety Net
Romney's remarks at a fundraiser don't square with what he told faith leaders last week.
Where are the Moms in the White House?
Government policy alone will not change the number of mothers in the halls of power. But both parties have an opportunity to couple their rhetoric about moms with policy measures.
'God' on the Campaign Trail
Romney campaigns on keeping 'God' on our coins (and in his heart) after Democratic Party debate.
Soledad O'Brien, Parents Magazine, the Election, and What Education has to do with the American Dream
A few months ago, Parents Magazine and CNN hosted a joint luncheon with an array of moms in order to talk about the upcoming election. As a part of my new gig blogging about the election with parents.com, I had a chance to meet some awesome women and participate in a two-hour conversation with Soledad O'Brien as the moderator. The food was really good too.
What Do You Want to Teach Your Kids About Money? (and what do our Presidential candidates teach them?)
What does the election of 2012 teach me, and my children, about economic productivity, hard work, and charitable giving?
Is There Anything Wrong With Voting for a Mormon for President?
Three views.
Our American President: The 'Almost Pastor' of an 'Almost Chosen' Land
How Christians might think about the type of leader they vote into the presidency.
Is the President America's Pastor in Chief?
Why Mitt Romney's Mormonism does matter.
Abortion and the Election
Obama or Romney could employ a practical approach to abortion reduction as a way to attract swing voters, so why is it a taboo topic?
Who Are You Voting For?
Who are you voting for in November of 2012?
Poll of Americans: Better a Mormon than a Muslim in White House
Voters are more comfortable with President Obama's religion—as long as he is not a Muslim.
Pro-Life Democrats Dwindle in Congress
Redistricting and retirements may halve the small group—again.
Q & A: Marco Rubio on His Faith of Many Colors
The Florida senator's religious background takes many shapes, but he knows how it translates into policy.
What Matters to you during this Election?
Especially if you are a parent, what issues matter most to you as the election approaches?
Passing the Plate for Politics
Why it's legal for churches to take collections for PACs that oppose gay marriage.
How Wealthy Social Conservatives Use Super PACs to Elevate Presidential Candidates
Records show how money has impacted the campaigns.
Santorum Wrong to Reignite 'Freedom of Worship' Controversy
Religious freedom rhetoric should not be a partisan tool.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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