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L’eschatologie évangélique, le bébé et l’eau du bain
Les théories farfelues concernant son déroulement ne devraient pas nous empêcher de parler de la seconde venue du Christ.
O que a solteirice revela sobre o mundo vindouro
Cristãos solteiros podem viver como sinais da nova criação.
La visión evangélica del fin de los tiempos tiene un problema central
No deberíamos desechar la segunda venida de Cristo con extrañas teorías sobre cómo se desarrollará.
Evangelical End Times Thinking Has a Baby-and-Bathwater Issue
We shouldn’t toss out Christ’s second coming with bizarre theories of how it will unfold.
What Singleness Reveals about the World to Come
Unmarried Christians can live as signposts of the new creation.
Apocalypse Now: How the Left and Right Get Danger Wrong
Alarmist thinking is toxic in politics and at odds with Christian hope.
No, Western Christians Are Not In Exile
But the church will live under occupation until the return of our King.
Meet the Conservative Evangelicals Practicing ‘Strategic Hibernation’ in the American Northwest
They might embrace their marginal status, but they don’t plan on staying marginal forever.
The 144 Million and Counting
A historic election turnout augurs well for American democracy. But there is greater truth than voting can determine.
Hope Beyond a Vaccine
Remember that Christian purpose has always been rooted in the not yet.
Middle East Christians Grapple with Apocalyptic Pandemic
COVID-19 offers eschatology experts opportunity to refine public understanding of what Revelation teaches.
Quick To ListenEpisode 175|42min
Another Denomination Changes Its End Times Doctrine
Why the Evangelical Free Church of America stepped back from its premillennial convictions.
EFCA Now Considers Premillennialism a Non-Essential
The denomination drops end times doctrine from its statement of faith in a move to “major on the majors” and “minor on the minors.”
The Day I Fervently Asked Jesus to Come Back
How a friend’s tragic death gave me a new perspective on hope.
The New View of Heaven Is Too Small
Our recent emphasis on “kingdom work” misses the real hope of the afterlife.
Why Even Pessimists Can Embrace Hope
A social psychologist explains why fear and hope often work as a team.
A Tale of Two Calvary Chapels: Behind the Movement’s Split
Chuck Smith’s successor says he is expanding founder’s vision. Other leaders say he’s diluting it.
Who Awaits the Messiah Most? Muslims
Islam and Christianity share Second Coming hopes. Can this be a bridge?

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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