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The Struggles of Men Are a Problem for Everyone
From school and work to fatherhood and friendship, we need a vision of manhood that both sexes can celebrate.
La simplicité de Joseph nous enseigne la maturité spirituelle
Dieu a confié son Fils unique à un homme qui ne pouvait pas offrir ce que sa culture attendait, mais avait d’autres ressources.
5 Books on the History of Christian Parenting in America
Chosen by David P. Setran, author of “Christian Parenting: Wisdom and Perspectives from American History.”
If God Is Your Father, You Have Seven Mothers
His care and compassion come from a surprising variety of sources.
Aunque el sistema de hogares de acogida no me quería, Dios me amaba
Pasé de un hogar a otro antes de encontrar al Padre que mi corazón anhelaba.
4 Post-Roe Policies Worth Pushing For
Supporting unborn children requires more than government, but not less.
God Wanted Me When the Foster-Care System Didn’t
I bounced from home to home before finding the Father my heart yearned for.
The Last Gift My Father Gave Me
A surprising encounter with my dad, Jesus, and Jerry Seinfeld opened a door to long-awaited healing.
요셉의 영적인 성숙함은 사실 단순함에 있다.
하나님은 우리가 쉽게 받아들일 수 없는 방식으로 독생자를 이 땅에 보내셨습니다.
A simplicidade de José era, na verdade, maturidade espiritual
Deus confiou seu único Filho a um homem que não podia prover conforme a expectativa de sua cultura.
Kesederhanaan Yusuf Sesungguhnya Merupakan Kedewasaan Rohani
Tuhan memercayakan Putra tunggal-Nya kepada seorang pria yang tidak dapat memberikan seperti yang diharapkan budayanya.
Je n'étais pas un garçon assez « dur ». Dieu m'a montré que je n'avais pas à l'être.
Comment un enfant paisible et aimant la lecture est venu à la foi au milieu d’une famille de bagarreurs de rue pétris de colère.
Joseph’s Simplicity Was Actually Spiritual Maturity
God entrusted his only Son to a man who could not provide as his culture expected.
I Wasn’t ‘Tough’ Enough for My Street-Fighting Family. God Showed Me I Didn’t Have to Be.
How a quiet, bookish kid came to faith while living among rageaholics.
New and Noteworthy Books
Compiled by Matt Reynolds.
Dads: Put Down the Shotguns and Let Your Daughters Go
Scripture portrays young women not as their fathers’ pets but as pillars in God’s kingdom.
It’s Never Too Late to Forgive a Flawed Father—or to Ask How He Got His Scars
What an attention-starved son learned while reconstructing the life of his distant dad.
Bringing Birth Fathers Back into Adoption Narratives
This Father's Day, more families are recognizing the God-given dignity of adoptees’ biological dads.
Quick To ListenEpisode 264
Why Having Babies Is Controversial in 2021
How the church can have a better conversation about the falling fertility rate and society’s changing expectations for mothers.
Quick To ListenEpisode 263|56min
Should Christians Cheer Biden’s Plan for Families?
A new proposal would mandate paid parental leave, provide universal pre-K, and help with childcare costs for low-income families.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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