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The Rise of Pentecostalism: A Gallery - Setting the Vision
Pentecostalism's early leaders were as varied as they were dynamic
We Do Not Wish to Blur the Faith
The spiritual head of Orthodoxy speaks some frank words to Protestants.
Testing the Prophets
In the Montanist controversy, did the church reject heresy or the Holy Spirit?
Rediscovering the Holy Spirit
Bible scholar Gordon Fee thinks we have domesticated the Holy Spirit and missed the point of his mission
Unmatched Masterpiece
The cadences of Cranmer's Book of Common Prayer continue to nurture Christians worldwide.
The Natural Supernatural
To Paul and the early church, religious experiences were commonplace.
Demanding Faith
The Scots Confession is not for the faint of heart.
The Great Spirit Descends
A stirring camp meeting among Native Americans.
How I Pray
Early Glimpses
Historical documents describing Christians at worship
Compel Them to Come In
An earnest evangelistic appeal from the Prince of Preachers
1054 The East-West Schism
Long-standing differences between Western and Eastern Christians finally caused a definitive break, and Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox still remain separate.
1738 John & Charles Wesley Experience Conversions
They were ordained ministers and missionaries. Then their hearts were "strangely warmed," and their changed lives gave rise to a worldwide movement.
How the Early Church Viewed Martyrs
Christians held a theology of martyrdom that gave them courage to endure.
Pioneer in Female Ministry
Catherine Booth's firm conviction that women should be free to preach the gospel forever shaped The Salvation Army's openness to female officers.
The Holy Spirit: God at Work
Christians who hold different views about the Holy Spirit discuss their differences face to face. A CT Institute Forum with Charles Ryrie, James I. Packer, Stuart Briscoe, Timothy Warner, Russell P. Spittler, and John Wimber.
Questions About Moody's Theology
The five that people ask most often
The Three Rs of Moody's Theology
Three great Bible truths were central to all of Moody's preaching.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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