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Christians Give at Record Levels to Fund Israel Relief
The war has spurred millions in donations to ministries that provide everything from emergency supplies to security gear for future attacks.
Antisemitik Şiddet ve Utanç Verici Savunusu
Hristiyan savaşın hem Filistinli hem de İsrailli tarafı konusunda duyarlı olmalıdır. Bunun anlamı da Yahudi nefretini aktif bir şekilde reddetmektir.
O “doisladismo” em relação ao Hamas é uma falha moral
Israelenses e palestinos são igualmente amados por Deus. Mas não há ambiguidade moral sobre a maldade genocida do Hamas.
A violência antissemita e sua defesa vergonhosa
Os cristãos devem cuidar das vítimas da guerra — tanto das israelenses quanto das palestinas — e isso significa rejeitar ativamente o ódio ao povo judeu.
L’étonnante persistance culturelle du dispensationalisme
En tant qu’école théologique, cette approche est en déclin. En tant que force culturelle et politique, elle est plus influente que jamais.
The Bulletin Episode 48|35min
Antisemitism and the Jewish Identity
Why hatred of Jews persists in a pluralistic world.
You Can Only Break the News of War so Gently
The Israel-Hamas war is thousands of miles from my daughter—and on her phone. I can’t keep her from the world’s sorrows.
La violence antisémite et ses honteuses justifications.
Nous devons nous soucier de toutes les victimes de la guerre, qu’elles soient israéliennes ou palestiniennes. Et cela implique de rejeter activement la haine du peuple juif.
Cientos de muertos en explosión en el único hospital cristiano de Gaza
La fatal explosión tuvo lugar en una conocida instalación dirigida por anglicanos (y anteriormente por bautistas del sur) «en medio de uno de los lugares más conflictivos del mundo».
No único hospital cristão de Gaza, centenas foram mortos em ataque aéreo
O ataque fatal atingiu um local bastante conhecido, administrado por anglicanos — e anteriormente por batistas do Sul — “no meio de um dos lugares mais problemáticos do mundo”.
Zoom sur l’hôpital chrétien frappé par l’explosion qui a tué des centaines de Gazaouis.
L’explosion du 17 octobre a touché un établissement dirigé par des anglicans « au milieu de l’une des régions les plus troublées du monde ».
Pray for al-Ahli
A historian of Gaza’s only Christian hospital, where scores died in an explosion this week, shares the story of the longstanding refuge.
Scores Killed in Blast at Gaza’s Only Christian Hospital
The fatal explosion hit a well-known facility run by Anglicans—and formerly by Southern Baptists—“in the middle of one of the world’s most troubled places.”
Antisemitic Violence and Its Shameful Defense
Christians must care for both Israeli and Palestinian victims of war—and that means actively rejecting hatred of the Jewish people.
Cortando o Hamas pela raiz
Veja a visão de um cristão palestino sobre a tragédia em Israel — e como tratar as causas do problema.
Di tengah Perang Israel-Hamas, Umat Kristen Setempat Mencari Amarah yang Benar dan Pengharapan Injil
Saat terorisme menyebabkan ribuan kematian, kalangan Injili Palestina dan Yahudi Mesianik berbagi keterkejutan, kesedihan, dan doa demi perdamaian dan keadilan.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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