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White Churches, It’s Time to Go Pro-Life on Guns
The Christian majority in America needs to shake off its malaise and work with Black pastors to end shooting violence.
Les évangéliques blancs américains veulent aussi un contrôle plus strict des armes
Même le groupe religieux le plus favorable aux armes à feu est d’accord avec le reste du pays sur certaines propositions visant à en restreindre l’accès.
Pastors in the Valley of Death Row
While a win for religious liberty, the Ramirez ruling will take a traumatic toll on an already burdened profession.
Abortion Bans Should Ban Abortion
Miscarriage and ectopic pregnancies are not abortion. Pro-life Christians urge clear distinctions in state laws.
Secularism Doesn’t Have to Be Bad
Understood rightly, it offers the best hope of keeping pluralistic societies peaceful and free.
Let the Modern World Make You Uncomfortable
Jake Meador challenges the church to rethink its attachment to the American way of life.
The Arc of White Evangelical Racism Is Long, but Complicated
Anthea Butler’s book isn’t for those who don’t like being challenged, but her account leaves out important nuance.
Police Stole My Dignity. God Restored It.
A mistaken raid by Chicago cops sent me on a long path toward redemption.
Non, tous les signes ne pointent pas vers une dictature woke en Amérique
À propos du dernier livre de Rod Dreher : ce qu'il discerne et ce qu'il manque.
Illinois Eliminated Parole in 1978. These Christians Want to Bring it Back.
A belief that people can change bolsters their movement.
The Prolific Deceivers at the Heart of ‘Roe v. Wade’
A journalist pieces together the messy lives of Norma McCorvey, her family, and other central figures from the case.
How Eagle Feathers and Copper Mines Might Alter Your Religious Liberty
A peculiar case in Arizona has the potential to shape churches, ministries, and schools across the country.
If a Social Issue Matters to God, the Church Should Be Praying About It
Too often, our practices of intercession are thin to nonexistent. The Reformed tradition shows us how to revive them.
Prohibition: A Movement of Prudish Killjoys or Righteous Revolutionaries?
A new book reenvisions temperance as a global struggle on behalf of the oppressed and exploited.
Ghana Churches Push Law to Combat Promotion of Homosexuality
Parliament is set to debate a controversial bill that would increase sentences for same-sex relationships and ban advocacy rights groups.
Don’t Let Religious Liberty Claims Mask Bad Faith Arguments
Inconsistent and insincere appeals for exemptions to public health rules are undermining important freedoms.
What’s Lost When Prison Mail Goes Digital?
Christian ministries are concerned about the Biden administration’s efforts to expand a Trump program of scanning letters.
Fannie Lou Hamer’s Fight for First-Class Citizenship
Remembering a courageous civil rights activist whose name and story are too little known.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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