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Focus on the Family, Others Oppose New Air Force Guidelines
Plus: FDA official quits over Plan B, UMC's first Korean-American bishop resigns, and other stories from online sources around the world.
U.S. Military Interrogator Persecutes Muslim
Plus: Planned Parenthood president resigns as abortions rise and clinics drop, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Military Culture War
Armed services debate prayer 'in Jesus' name.'
Military Chaplains Don't Mind Prayer Guidelines
Plus: Prayers of strangers don't help the sick, no out of state same-sex marriages in Mass., and more articles from online sources around the world.
Evangelical Groups Praise New Air Force Rules
Plus: Turkey's anti-Catholic violence, John Piper on the riots, Jesus existence case tossed, and other stories from online sources around the world.
Air Force Issues Revised Guidelines on Religion
Interpretation varies on what one-page "interim" document means.
Front Line Dilemma
Christians in intelligence services are conflicted over the use of torture.
5 Reasons Torture Is Always Wrong
And why there should be no exceptions.
New Air Force Religion Guidelines May Restrict Evangelism
Policy allowing chaplains "to instruct and/or evangelize" withdrawn, lawsuit seeks explicit ban on all members.
Silence on Suffering
Where are the voices from the Christian community on cruel and degrading treatment of detainees?
A Wing and Less Prayer
New Air Force religion guidelines get mixed response.
No Overt Discrimination'
Air Force Academy cleared, but some faulted for insensitivity.
The Mind and Soul of Combat
Perhaps war really is hell.
Faith and Fighting
Author Stephen Mansfield says religious belief is critical to the soldier.
Adventist Marine Under Fire
Pacifist court-martialed for refusing to pick up his weapon.
Faith, Fear, War, Peace
Snapshots of the grim and 'happy' ministry of today's military chaplains.
How to Pray for Our Troops
This Veteran's Day, let's commend our men and women of the services to the God who brings good even from the most evil circumstances.
Reports of the Revival
The Confederate camp became a school of Christ.
Loving Military Enemies
War does not exempt Christians from the second-greatest commandment.
'I'm Not Anti-Islam,' Says Boykin. 'I'm Not Anti-Allah'
Plus: Bush's surprisingly generic faith, and other stories from online sources around the world.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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