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“주님, 저를 자유롭게 하소서”에서 “주님, 저를 사용해주시옵소서”로 바뀐 기도제목
Court: Prayer and Laying on of Hands Protected at Execution
Prison officials may limit religious practices at time of death, but only if they show there are no better options.
Visiting Prisoners in Jesus’ Day
Helping detained people was a shocking calling in the first century.
Birth Behind Bars: Christians Fight ‘Cruel,’ Outdated Prison Policies
Ministry efforts aim to induce change and offer care for the growing number of new moms separated from their babies due to incarceration.
Evangelicals a Rising Force Inside Argentina’s Prisons
Authorities have allowed the creation of prison units effectively run by evangelical inmates.
Illinois Eliminated Parole in 1978. These Christians Want to Bring it Back.
A belief that people can change bolsters their movement.
I Entered Prison a ‘Protestant.’ I Left a Christian.
How a violent Northern Ireland loyalist became a pastor and an evangelist.
Died: Bill Glass, Football Star Who Changed Evangelical Approach to Sports and Prisons
The Cleveland Browns defensive end was good at sacking quarterbacks, but his real passion was witnessing for Christ.
I Used to Run with Drug Addicts and Prostitutes. Now I Share the Gospel with Them.
My journey from life on the streets to life in Christ.
Visitors to Those in Prison Are Getting Screened Out
Video calls can supplement but should never supplant visits with incarcerated people.
The New Prison Ministry Lies in Bible Education
Religious programs, including evangelical schools, are a major force for good behind bars.
What’s Lost When Prison Mail Goes Digital?
Christian ministries are concerned about the Biden administration’s efforts to expand a Trump program of scanning letters.
Supreme Court Delays Execution of Inmate Over Pastoral Touch Request
The case, involving a Christian convert and his Southern Baptist minister, is the latest in ongoing First Amendment disputes over the role of clergy in the death chamber.
Can This Texas Pastor Lay Hands on an Inmate During Execution?
Q&A with SBC minister Dana Moore on the power of prayer in a state death chamber.
Prisons Reopen to Ministry with Recent Visits from Lecrae and Justin Bieber
Prison Fellowship’s “Second Chance Month” corresponds with easing of pandemic restrictions at many facilities.
A Crack in the System: How Unfair Drug Sentencing Laws Disrupt Racial Justice
In the push for prison reform, Christians can stand against penalties that disproportionately affect minorities.
Which Is Worse: the Guilty Freed or the Innocent Punished?
New study examines how your race and view of Scripture shape your answer.
A Vaccine Could Save Prisoners’ Lives. Christians Can Help.
Advocating for prisoner vaccinations is a political issue, but it doesn’t have to be a partisan one.
Share the Gospel with Prisoners. Then Apply It to the System.
Evangelicals are superb at the first task. To what extent do they embrace the second as well?
Weekly Meanderings, 26 September 2020
Our weekly selection of links across the web.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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