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The Christian Case for Trump’s Meeting with Kim Jong-un
The President should go through with his talks—for the sake of three Americans and millions of North Koreans.
The CallingEpisode 64|47min
Where Is God When My Spouse Is Incarcerated?
Raising kids, maintaining a marriage, and leaning into those awkward conversations at church.
An Iranian Refugee’s Terrible Journey to God
I survived snowy mountains, a filthy prison, and an abusive husband. Then I discovered who had protected me all along.
How Christian Faith Led a Single Woman to Defy Chairman Mao
Lin Zhao’s faith led her to embrace China's Communist movement—then pay the ultimate price for opposing it.
Visit Those in Prison. Just Remember Jesus May Have Gotten There First.
Very often, people behind bars already have a relationship with God.
The Faith of the ‘Killable People’
Why “prison Pentecostalism” is flourishing among criminals, gang members, and others on society’s margins.
'They Call Us Monsters' Offers a More Compassionate Brand of Juvenile Justice
Ben Lear's directorial debut humanizes the debate about adult prison sentences for juvenile offenders.
A Local Preacher and a Jailhouse Jesus Freak Brought Me to Faith in Prison
I was sentenced to life for a murder I didn't commit. But God didn't forget me.
Quick To ListenEpisode 58|42min
Pursuing a Christian Idea of Criminal Justice in the Jeff Sessions Era
Prison Fellowship's Craig DeRoche on the attorney general, America's drug policy, and his organization's unlikely partnerships.
HBO’s ‘Solitary’ Revisits Why It’s Not Good for Man to Be Alone
Kristi Jacobson’s penetrating new documentary confronts viewers with the soul-withering effects of solitary confinement.
Prison Fellowship Fights the 48,000 Forces Keeping Former Inmates from a Second Chance
Broad coalition launches awareness month to dismantle ‘second prison’ beyond bars.
The Invisible Americans in ‘Served Like a Girl’ and ‘The Work’
New documentaries profile the easily overlooked experiences of female veterans and male convicts.
Ministering in the Shadow of America's 'Prison City'
What does it mean to 'be the church' when a quarter of your town's population lives behind bars?
I Saw Jesus in Detention
We’re all so busy debating immigration policy that we’ve forgotten something essential.
Quick To ListenEpisode 25|33min
Our Prison Ministries Are Too Small
With 600,000 people returning home annually, how can the United States’ 300,000 churches do more?
Does Your Church Talk About Prison?
The disparities in America's criminal justice system find an echo in which churches do, and don't, discuss the issue.
Adding Criminal Justice Reform to Prison Ministry
Churches and ministries are becoming increasingly involved in prison reform.
How My Stereotype of Ex-Convicts Was Blown to Bits
Christianity Today President and CEO shares the joys and challenges of post-prison ministry.
How Churches Change the Equation for Life After Prison
One of the hardest days of incarceration may be the day it ends. The church can be there to make a difference.
Why Most Pastors Don't Do Prison Ministry
Most have gone to jail (to visit), but few have former inmates in their pews.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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