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Pursuing Racial Justice Requires More Than Lament, but Never Less
How the sharing of prayer and pain leads to trust—and then to change.
How Lebanon’s First Female Militant Made Her Fight More Faithful
Jocelyne Khoueiry inspired over 1,500 Christian women to enlist during the civil war, then shifted her efforts from arms to knees.
What a Leading Racial Reconciliation Advocate Learned from Her Critics
Brenda Salter McNeil says she put too much faith in an approach that downplayed justice in order to seem nonthreatening.
The Perils of White American Folk Religion
Many Christians unwittingly practice a counter-faith that doesn't know how to deal with racism.
Young Asian American Christians Are Finding Their Voice on Racial Justice
Millennial and Gen-Z generations are intentionally pursuing reconciliation.
Cantando as canções da injustiça
A adoração bíblica, irada e congregacional pode ajudar a transformar nossos corações e igrejas.
Burl Cain Promises ‘Good Praying’ for Mississippi Prisons. It’s Not Enough.
For too long, evangelicals have compromised with the punitive politics of law and order.
Singing the Songs of Injustice
Biblical, angry, congregational worship can help transform our hearts and churches.
Christian Zionism Isn’t the Caricature of Popular Imagination
It isn’t end-times fascination that explains the enduring bond between evangelicals and Israel.
On MLK Day, Be Still and Listen
Hearing each other is a miracle. We need to practice receiving it as such.
Latasha Morrison: Racial Reconciliation Starts at the Cross
The Be the Bridge founder’s new book gives readers a theologically rich approach to crossing racial divides.
My Road to Emmaus Ran Through East Los Angeles
Suffering and ministry turmoil left me devastated. Jesus met me there.
Why I'll Never Give Up On The Church
I can never give up on the church because I can never give up on people. And because Jesus never gave up on us.
Why Christians Have a Knack for Boundary-Crossing Friendships
Throughout history, believers have taken risks of love for the sake of the kingdom.
‘I Thought God Loved Only the Hutu’
Tutsi widows and orphans felt betrayed by the church during the genocide. Survivor Denise Uwimana made it her mission to help them heal.
Can We Handle the Truth About Racism and the Church?
Before racial reconciliation can happen, says Jemar Tisby, American believers need to reckon honestly with the sins of the past.
Power in the Plate
The history of our food speaks of injustice— and invites us to redemption.
The ‘Whole’ in Our Gospel
Has "holistic mission" won the missiological battle? Its champions say so, but their boast might be premature.
6 Principles Healthy Churches Use To Deal With Conflict Well
We have an obligation as leaders to have a plan in place to resolve conflicts in the healthiest way possible.
Lord, Deliver Us from Passive-Aggressive Conflicts
Every church has elephants in the narthex. Here are four ways to root them out.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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