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Flight from North Korea
Asia's underground railroad has deeply Christian origins, says journalist Melanie Kirkpatrick.
Another Kind of Christian Witness at Chick-fil-A
Franchise owner Erik Devriendt doesn't have much to say about the recent imbroglio over Dan Cathy's comments. He just wants to help local refugees.
The Other Iranian Revolution
In 'godless' eastern Germany, Iranian refugees surprise pastors with their interest in Christianity.
The Kingdom in Columbus
Why the world's largest Vineyard church is drawing people from 104 nations in central Ohio.
Aid on the Edges
What turned Somalia into the epicenter of a famine hinders attempts to help. And now even the refugee camps are targets.
Canceled Flights: New Policies Threaten Settlement Agencies
Resettlement agencies laid off staff after a new Department of Homeland Security screening disrupted refugees' flights to the U.S.
Back to the Garden
Row by row, urban Christians learn to bear literal and spiritual fruit.
Migrating Ministry
One refugee pastor is key to the resettlement of Bhutanese in Texas.
Exit Visa: Iraqi Christians Look for Safe Haven
Iraqis struggle to find refuge in Europe.
Constructing Peace
One Olympic athlete's efforts to build relationships between Sudan's Christians and Muslims.
Today's Pilgrims
Like the settlers of Plymouth Colony, today's refugees and asylum seekers have fled their homelands because of persecution of several kinds—not just religious.
Christianity Thrives among 'Gypsies' Despite Prejudice
Roma Revival: Missionary efforts continue to succeed.
The Refugee Pastor That Could
As a teen growing up in Tennessee, Chansamone Saiyasak vowed to return to Thailand. And he did—with remarkable results.
One in the Spirit
Evangelicals look for reconciliation in aftermath of Asia's longest civil war.
Recession Hits Refugees
Nationwide job shortage pushes limits of resettlement system.
When the Stranger Knocks
The influx of immigrants to the U.S. means a new mission field for churches, says World Relief's Jenny Hwang.
The New Refugees
As the U.S. opens to Iraqis and Burmese, refugee ministries must adjust.
A Refugee's Quiet Dignity
A Zimbabwean pastor waits warily after South Africa's riots.
Fleeing from Chad, Waiting for Peace
Refugees in Cameroon fill their days with conversation and worship.
Scrambling for Bibles
The world may have moved in next door, but non-English Scriptures remain frustratingly hard to find.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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