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The Sin of Tolerance
An example of Billy Graham's fiery preaching in the 1950s.
Why Outrage Culture Is Good News for the Gospel
Moral relativism is dead.
Glennon Doyle Melton’s Gospel of Self-Fulfillment
Why living your truth bravely isn't enough.
Pluralism Doesn’t Mean Relativism
In fact, it can help us confidently pursue common existence amid our deeply held differences.
Real Happiness: Colson and George Bemoan our National Virtue Deficit
Where a people abandons virtue, government steps in.
Atheists in the Foxholes—as Chaplains
Why the military's inclusion of non-believing chaplains matters.
The Problem with Christus Victor
An increasingly popular view of the atonement forces the question: What are we saved from?
Multi-Faith Matters
Interfaith meetings remind us of the Good News.
Proselytizing in a Multi-Faith World
Why mutual respect and tolerance require us to witness for Christ.
The Discerning Seller: LifeWay to Drop Warning Labels
The "Read with Discernment" program listed popular authors as "strictly for critical study or research."
Heresy Is Heresy, Not the Litmus Test of Gospel Preaching
It's time to put aside this abused "badge of honor."
Flunking Pew's Pop Quiz
Good thing the Last Judgment is not a round of Final Jeopardy!
The Leavers: Young Doubters Exit the Church
More than in previous generations, 20- and 30- somethings are abandoning the faith. Why?
Putting Evangelism on Hold
Will the Global Faith Forum's "evangelistic model" of engaging Muslims and Jews catch on?
The Divine Divide
The gods of America, and the difference they make. A review of 'America's Four Gods.'
The Reformer
How Al Mohler transformed a seminary, helped change a denomination, and challenges a secular culture.
Faith Unbound
Why spirituality is sexy but religion is not.
Culturally Focusing on the Family
How hipster evangelicals have fallen into the same consumerist traps as their parents.
Culture in an Age of Consumption
Why evangelical hipsters may be the best example of James Davison Hunter's 'faithful presence.'
Culling the Flock
Multi-faith seminary in; evangelical schools out.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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