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How God Makes Beauty from Barrenness
What I learned from three female saints who never bore children—physical ones, anyway.
Seeing the Hidden Grace of Alzheimer's
Those who appear weak and foolish can be powerful conduits of God's love.
Restless Heart
This St. Augustine biopic is memorable more for its subject's merit than its own.
Back to the Fathers
Every turn in Thomas Oden's theology took him further left, until he came face to face with Augustine and Wesley.
In nightclubs, coffeehouses, and iPods, true first-person storytelling is becoming a cultural force as it borrows from Christian tradition.
Happiness Now!
We can grab hold of joy in this life, not just in heaven, says theologian Ellen Charry. A review of 'God and the Art of Happiness.'
A Curious Saint
A new biography helps us sense what life was like for the "pretty weird" and highly influential Julian of Norwich.
My Top 5 Biographies of Theologians
Picks from Timothy George, founding dean of Beeson Divinity School.
American Idols and Saints
Newsweek, Fox News, and others debate whether the "Christian viewer vote" has become too powerful.
Taming Religion
Why we need to keep The Extremist in check.
Reclaiming St. Patrick's Day
But if we are to choose a social issue for March 17, what would it be?
Valentine's Dynamic Love
Our love is most godly when it is against the world for the world.
How the Early Church Read the Bible
The church fathers show us how to read Scripture imaginatively.
Let us Tell You a Story
Recovering the lost spiritual discipline of reading biographies.
Emulating the Martyrs in Everyday Life
Perpetua, Felicity, and Polycarp can teach ordinary Christians about living each day as a witness to grace.
'We Lepers'
As the Roman Catholic Church recognizes Hawaii's hero as a saint, what should we think about his chief posthumous critic?
Why Do Postmoderns Need Saints?
Sometimes we just need to hear stories.
Why St. Jerome Is an Icon for Our Times
The thunderbolt of Bethlehem struggled with the need to synthesize classical learning and Christian truth. So did the brightest lights of the Renaissance and Reformation. And so do Christians today.
Augustine's Origin of Species
How the great theologian might weigh in on the Darwin debate.
Self-Examination Time
Lent reminds us that the main problem with us is not them.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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