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Victorian Skeptics on the Road to Damascus
Former atheist Antony Flew's admission of the existence of God shocked believers and skeptics alike, but such a turnaround is far from unique. In the 19th century, many leading intellectuals who had once lost their faith ended up reconverting.
One Nation Under Secularism
France's peculiar aversion to public religiosity is rooted in a sordid history of sectarian violence.
European Christianity's "Failure to Thrive"
Why Christendom, born with an imperial bang, is now fading away in an irrelevant whimper.
Dostoyevsky’s Disregarded Prophecy
The famous Russian author shows us what’s to fear in a world without God.
The Chronicles of Atheism
When The Golden Compass hits theaters this month, many will be introduced to the works of Philip Pullman, a writer who detests C.S. Lewis's fantasy world.
Deconstructing Dawkins
Alister McGrath's challenge of famous atheist is bracing—but does not go far enough.
Holy to the Core
We're tempted by moralism because we've forgotten what God wants at the center.
The Story of America?
Robert Kagan's Dangerous Nation.
When 7 x 5 = 75
And you thought secular bias on campuses was bad. Stephen Carter reviews The Decline of the Secular University.
The Conservative Humanist
Those who are pro-life and pro-family should have no problem being pro-human.
The Twilight of Atheism
Why this once exciting and 'liberating' philosophy failed to capture the world's imagination.
The French Reconnection
Europe's most secular country rediscovers its Christian roots.
That Other Church
Let's face it: Secularism is a religion. Let's treat it as such.
All of Christian History in 6 Hours
This audio tour de force is strong meat for a mature Christian audience.
Misfires in the Tolerance Wars
Separating church and state now means separating belief and action.
One Nation Under Secularism
France's peculiar aversion to public religiosity is rooted in a sordid history of sectarian violence.
Tolkien: Man Behind the Myth
At odds with his age, he created another.
The Christian Humanists
Tolkien joined these authors in countering the decadence of a dark century.
One Truth, Many Tales
How did Tolkien's approach to writing for a secularizing world compare with those of his Christian contemporaries?

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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