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Familiar Word
Famous black voices eagerly join audio Bible project.
Fueled by Fervent Prayer
Youth for Christ's praying community sent young Harold Myra on a lifetime quest.
Word Made Brash
New Scripture adaptations are not your father's comic books.
Truth, Justice, and ...
Some critics of Superman Returns
A Soul Man Testifies
Gospel music led this skeptical author to faith.
Winning the Oral Majority
Mission agencies rethink outreach to the world's non-literate masses.
Orality at Home
The language of postmodernism.
A Tale of Two Kitties
Lovers of Aslan should heed the warnings from the creator of Hobbes.
Martyrs to the Spear
More than fifty years after five missionaries were murdered in Ecuador, their story still inspires.
Into the Wonder
You won't understand the genius of C. S. Lewis's literary criticism, satire, science fiction, and theological essays until you spend time in Narnia.
A Narnia Without Lewis or Aslan
The real surprise in The Giant Surprise, a "brand new Narnia adventure story," isn't the byline.
Interview with a Penitent
How Anne Rice moved from fascination with vampires to renewed faith in Christ.
C. S. Lewis Superstar
How a reserved British intellectual with a checkered pedigree became a rock star for evangelicals.
Squeezing the Reader's Heart
Ted Dekker sees himself as a reverse missionary.
Dorothy Sayers: "The dogma is the drama"
People Worth Knowing
Hearts in Training
Lewis employed his imaginative gifts to dispel his readers' illusions and educate their feelings.
Mind in Motion
He tasted many philosophies, but he was always stuck on reality.
C.S. Lewis: Did You Know?
Interesting and Unusual Facts about C. S. Lewis
C.S. Lewis: From the Editor
Carpets, Wardrobes, and the Glory of the Real
The Great Iconoclast
Lewis had always believed that God shatters our images. But the death of his wife put his faith to the ultimate test.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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