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There’s Never Been a Better Time to Be an Evangelical Christian
Evangelicalism’s historical emphases on personal renewal and church revival shine precisely in dark days like these.
As Mongolia Catholics Welcome Francis, Evangelicals Wrestle with Growing Pains
Recent revival has brought Protestant churches more members. But what Mongolian Christian leaders want most is more disciples.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 37|48min
Ross Douthat on American Religion and Where Martin Luther Was Right and Wrong
The New York Times columnist talks popes, power, and politics.
Pope Francis in Bahrain: A Royal Reminder of Religious ‘Freedom of Choice’
The pontiff esteemed the welcome given to Christian migrants in the Gulf’s island kingdom, while discreetly calling for wider application.
Beyond Pope’s Apology, Indigenous Christians Carve Own Path to Healing
Recovering languages and contextualizing theology help Canada's First Nations communities reconcile faith and culture after residential schools made them "hate the name of Jesus."
India’s First Lay Martyr Fought the Caste System. Now He’s a Saint.
Pope Francis has canonized Devasahayam, a convert from upper caste Hinduism to Christianity.
Evangelicals Endorse Unprecedented Ecumenical Plea for the Environment
Ahead of a UN climate summit, Catholic, Orthodox, and Anglican leaders jointly promote a “Season of Creation.”
Evangelicals Ask Pope Francis to Help Save Lebanon
Visiting the Vatican for a Christian summit, leaders explain why the problems of sectarian politics have become unbearable.
Beat, Pray, Give: Catholics Want More Done for Persecuted Christians
Survey finds surge in US concern for the global church in need, in run-up to Pope Francis’ visit to Iraq.
At Mosul Church, Pope Asks Iraq’s Christians to Forgive ISIS and Rebuild
Francis’ personal visit to damaged churches in Nineveh Plains caps historic trip.
Pope Francis Secures Favorable Fatwa for Iraq’s Christians
A short history of Shiite Islam explains why the pope made peace with Grand Ayatollah Sistani, yet Iranian rival and Sunni extremists don’t accept Muslim leader’s authority.
Iraq’s Evangelicals Use Pope Francis’s Visit to Press for Equality
Historic papal trip seeks peace between Christians and Muslims. Unregistered evangelicals say peace between Iraq’s Christians is needed first.
Why Christians Who Speak Jesus’ Language Can’t Agree on Their Name
It took Aramaic speakers 1,500 years to agree on Christology, now their main debate is over Assyrian identity. Could Pope Francis’ visit to Iraq encourage unity?
Iraq’s Struggling Christians Hope for Boost from Pope Francis Visit
Landmark trip will include Qaraqosh, where most families fled ISIS yet some are now trying to restore the Christian heartland of the Nineveh Plains.
Word or Deeds: Shiite Firebrand Pledges to Restore Iraqi Christian Property
Christians welcome the “solidarity” of controversial anti-American politician and militia leader in advance of expected visit by Pope Francis.
Christmas Unites a Divided Iraq
Parliament’s unanimous vote to make Jesus’ birth an annual holiday succeeds where other national holidays have failed.
The Jury Is Still Out on Europe’s Religious Future
The moral revolution of the 1960s dealt a blow to Christian faith on the continent, but it might not have the final word.
What Did the Pope Really Say About Confession During COVID-19?
Unpacking Pope Francis's remarks about 'taking your sorrows directly to God.'

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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