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David Brooks: We Change People for the Better by Knowing Them More Fully
The New York Times columnist says extraordinary things happen—both personally and socially—when we pay attention to others.
Church Attack Leaves Turkish Christians Troubled and Confused
Many believers were already avoiding fellowship after warning by ISIS, which claimed responsibility for the killing at a Catholic congregation in Istanbul.
Protecting the Image of God—Especially on Death Row
A testimony from Julius Jones and the minister who led the campaign to stop his execution.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 90|39min
Kate Bowler Tells Us Where We’re Wrong on Suffering
The author and historian addresses the problem of pain, the prosperity gospel, and perseverance.
한국의 운명론: ‘금수저’, ‘흙수저’로 당신의 운명을 결정한다.
한국에서 이러한 태도가 교회 안팎에서 어떻게 나타나는지
Are Pro-Life Laws Working?
The national abortion rate rose slightly after Dobbs but plummeted in states with abortion restrictions.
Sabbath Is Not a Luxury Good
God designed weekly rest to be holy for all people, not just the economically stable.
Truth from Power
David E. Fitch’s Reckoning with Power offers Christians a purer model of power but misreads how power operates in the ministry of the church.
Nos demi-vérités à propos de Martin Luther King
Dans les années 60, les évangéliques blancs désavouaient Martin Luther King Jr. Dans les années 80, tout le monde le portait aux nues. Comment finalement nous souvenir de lui aujourd’hui ?
Music & MeaningEpisode 5|21min
Sister Rosetta Tharpe: The True Pioneer of Gospel Rock
Charlie Peacock pays tribute to the inventor of gospel rock with guests Tommy Sims and Jerry McPherson.
La iglesia puede reconocer y ayudar a quienes sufren depresión
Tres maneras en las que nuestras comunidades pueden brindar apoyo a quienes batallan con problemas de salud mental.
Comment la Colombie est devenue le pays d’Amérique du Sud où il est le plus difficile d’être chrétien.
Officiellement, la Colombie protège mieux les libertés religieuses que la plupart des autres pays de la région. Sur le terrain, la situation est plus compliquée.
Cara Mengatasi Persahabatan yang Toksik
Tiga sarana untuk membantu kita mengembangkan empati.
Umat Kristen di Indonesia Terpecah dalam Memilih Pemimpin Negara Selanjutnya
Seiring presiden yang pernah dicintai ini mengakhiri masa jabatannya dengan penuh kontroversi, para pemimpin gereja tidak dapat melihat dengan jelas siapa yang akan menjadi kandidat terdepan dalam pemilu di Februari mendatang.
古德恩(Wayne Grudem)改变他对家暴离婚的看法
古德恩 (Wayne Grudem) 改變他對家暴離婚的看法
Apocalipsis tiene buenas noticias para hoy, no un plan estratégico para el futuro
Para conseguir una imagen más clara de este misterioso libro, cambiemos el enfoque de la predicción a la misión.
الإيرانيون يكتسبون 12 طريقة جديدة لقراءة الكتاب المقدس
الأقليات المهمشة تستلم ترجمات جديدة للعهد الجديد. ”إذا تأنى الرب يسوع في عودته ، فسيمكنهم القول: المسيحيون حافظوا على حضارتنا”.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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