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Give 'Em Hell Harry!
Looking back at the 1948 presidential campaign.
We Met Noah's Other Children
For years our congregation had done short-term missions projects. Then the Afar of Africa expanded our vision.
No More Hollow Jesus
In focusing so intently on Jesus the man, Peter Jennings' report missed the big picture.
Briefs: North America
Presbyterians Reject Same-Sex Ceremonies
Exhilarated by Grace
Netherlands: Keeping the Covenant
Amsterdam 2000 ends with a message from Billy Graham, a promise by 10,000 evangelists, and a unifying framework for worldwide evangelism.
Healing Genocides at Home and Abroad
Commentary from Amsterdam 2000.
Colonial Soul
The Cross and The Tomahawk series examines our nation's past from many perspectives.
A Woman's Place
Women reaching women is key to the future of missions.
Covenant to End Poverty
Ecumenical leader insists that churches must act together to aid poor.
Christian College Tuition Chart
Christian college costs are lower than the national average, but increasing at a higher rate.
Radio: The Never-Ending Story
At 50, Unshackled! still transforms broken lives.
Is Reality Television Beyond Redemption?
CBS hooks viewers with new lowbrow programming.
Amsterdam 2000 Called the Most Multinational Event Ever
10,287 evangelists and other participants represent 209 nations and territories.
Will Gross-out Humor Gross a Ton at the Box Office?
Reviews of Nutty Professor II, plus What Lies Beneath, and Thomas and the Magic Railroad.
Ten-Commandments Judge Aims for High Post
After taking on the ACLU, Moore is now a nominee for the Alabama Supreme Court.
Daily Life in the Maluku Islands: Chaos Fear and the Threat of Violence
Christians plead for international monitoring to prevent Jihad raids, and more aid for refugees.
The Amsterdam Declaration
A Charter for evangelism in the 21st century.
Drilling the Evangelists on the Evangel
Doctrinal training takes center stage at Amsterdam 2000, while staffers work against theological controversy.

Top Story April 28, 2024

India Says It Has a Border Crisis. Christians Say the Solution Will Divide Them.
India Says It Has a Border Crisis. Christians Say the Solution Will Divide Them.
The government plans to close its porous border with Myanmar to boost security, separating ethnic groups that straddle the boundary.

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