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El encuentro en el sepulcro del huerto
Jesús permanece con nosotros en medio del dolor, tanto durante como después de la Pascua.
Ditemui di Taman Makam
Yesus tetap bersama kita dalam kehilangan kita, baik selama Paskah maupun setelahnya.
Being HumanEpisode 11|39min
Faith in the Workplace with Jeff Haanen
Jeff Haanen joins to talk inner work and outer work.
Peso de glória
Quando a vida está pesada demais para suportar, nossa necessidade de um Salvador torna-se clara.
المعمول: حلوى الفصح التي يحبها المسلمون والمسيحيون واليهود
يناقش الخبراء أصل المعجنات المحشوة بالتمر أو الجوز، لكن المؤمنين في الشرق الأوسط يحبون طعمها ورمزية الجمعة العظيمة في أشكالها.
Kemuliaan Salib
Kuasa Tuhan menjadi sempurna dalam kelemahan.
Bunga-bunga Layu di Taman Harapan
Paskah mengingatkan kita bahwa Tuhan mentransformasi kegagalan manusia.
La gloria de las cargas
Cuando la vida es demasiado difícil de soportar, nuestra necesidad de un Salvador se hace evidente.
Kemuliaan yang Berbobot
Ketika hidup ini terlalu berat untuk ditanggung, kebutuhan kita akan Juru Selamat menjadi jelas.
무게의 영광
삶이 견디기 힘들 때, 우리에게는 구세주가 필요합니다.
À medida que a frieza toma conta dos corpos
Não há ressurreição sem morte.
Seraya Tubuh menjadi Dingin
Tidak ada kebangkitan tanpa kematian.
Cuando todo se vuelve frío
Sin muerte, no hay resurrección.
Les rôles de genre au-delà de l’Église occidentale
Les chrétiens occidentaux pourraient apprendre de la diversité des ecclésiologies à travers le monde.
The Bulletin Episode 75|55min
Play to the Balcony
Trump promises pardon, terrorists attack Moscow, and a bridge falls in Baltimore.
Kutsal Cuma’nın Yaralı Kilise Üyelerine Yanıtları
Mesih’in çarmıha gerilmiş bedeni kilise bedeninin yaşadığı acıyı taşır.
Maamoul: The Easter Sweet Loved by Muslims, Christians, and Jews
Experts debate the origin of the date- or nut-filled pastry, but Middle Eastern believers love the taste and the Good Friday symbolism in its shapes.
‘Christ Is King’ Is Not the Slogan Some White Nationalists Want It to Be
Jesus’ lordship is not good news for those who want to use him to become kings themselves.
Uma refeição da qual não esqueceremos tão cedo
A esperança e a ansiedade inerentes à última celebração de Páscoa de Jesus.
Good Friday’s Answers to Wounded Church Members
Christ’s crucified body holds the pain experienced by the church body.

Top Story April 30, 2024

Billy Graham Preached at His Crusades. His Singers Believed They Were Preaching Too.
Billy Graham Preached at His Crusades. His Singers Believed They Were Preaching Too.
A late historian explores how crusade hymns told both the classic story of gospel salvation and the evolving story of evangelical worship music.

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