
'Divine Conspirator' Dallas Willard Dies at 77
Dallas Willard was on a quiet quest to subvert nominal Christianity.
Higher Ed at a Crossroad
Why the local church should care, and what it can do.
Hip-Hop Theologians and Preachers
The artists most shaping the movement.
The Sex Lives of Unmarried Evangelicals
80 percent of young unmarried evangelicals have had sex? Really?
My Teenager Made Me Finally Grow Up
The unexpected surrender of parenting adolescents
Hashtags Won't Heal Us
Learning to lament in the 21st century.
Antidote to Poison
I was haunted by failure to the edge of suicide—and then came life.
Hey John Piper, Is My Femininity Showing?
The implications of allowing women to teach "indirectly."
Saying No to the Cutesy Baby Nursery
We made room for our newborn, just not a room of her own.
Why Tim Keller Wants You to Stay in That Job You Hate
The Redeemer pastor explains how he ministers to laypeople facing career confusion.
Loving Someone Who's Starving For Perfection
Our relationships can't cure eating disorders.
The Mystery of Original Sin
We don't know why God permitted the Fall, but we know all too well the evil and sin that still plague us.
Let the Gamers Say "Amen!"
Finally! A balanced, generous perspective on what Christianity has to say about video games.
A Defense of the N-Word in Christian Hip Hop
Considering controversial language in Sho Baraka's latest album.
The Trouble with Cussing Christians
Do Christians have a unique call to avoid strong language?
Hey Brand-New Mom, Ready for Your Close Up?
Reclaiming the natural beauty of delivery room pics.
Knowing What the Bible ‘Really’ Means
Why multiple translations might even be better than Scripture in its original languages.
Unearthing Gifts Once Abandoned for Motherhood
Why Rebekah Lyons wants you to find your calling.
When Suicide Strikes in the Body of Christ
Neither life nor death, not even suicide, can separate us from the love of God.
Snap Judgments: Our Societal Obsession With Taking Pictures
Honoring God in over-captured, over-shared, picture-perfect lives

Top Story May 5, 2024

Conservative Methodists, Unite
Conservative Methodists, Unite
After this week’s UMC votes on LGBTQ issues, African Methodists should join American conservatives in the new Global Methodist denomination.

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