
'Imago Dei' in a Nursing Home
Bringing Alzheimer's into the pro-life Christian conscience.
A Pope for All Christians
Why believers of all stripes should care about the new head of the Catholic Church.
The Quest for a Bigger, Better, Cuter Pregnancy
In an age of gender reveal cakes and ultrasound parties, it's not enough to just be pregnant anymore.
What Classic Spiritual Discipline Needs the Most Renewal Among American Christians?
Three leading Christians on growing in Christ.
Spirituality Starts in the Pews
You can't search for God in isolation from the institutional church, says Lillian Daniel.
Hotter Than All the Fifty Shades in the World
How God's design for marital romance provides the "tension" for sustained passion.
Live Tonight! Life and Justice Roundtable
Watch six leading thinkers discuss the call to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. Get a preview and reminder now.
Working Together… From Home
A message to Marissa Mayer: It's not where we work, but how we work that matters.
Catholics on the Evangelical Trail
George Weigel heralds an "Evangelical Catholicism" whose adherents strive to bring Jesus into every area of life.
Can You Teach Modesty Without Body-Shaming?
Girls told to cover their "irresistible" bellies, boobs, and bodies.
Serious Catholics Are Evangelical
True Catholicism, says George Weigel, is about boldly proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Have We Forgotten the Power of Poetry?
While Afghan women risk their lives for verse, we ignore it.
The Love Shack
William Paul Young explains the theology behind his best-selling novels and why he's no longer at war with himself.
Should an Iowa Dentist Have Fired his Attractive Assistant?
He feared he would try to have an affair. Did he do the right thing?
Women Need to Say 'No' More
My 'no' to fear is my 'yes' to God.
Making Culture in a Small Town Storefront
Why I helped restore a relic from the past on behalf of the next generation.
God Made Boys to Play with Dolls
The role of a caring dad reflects God's nature as Heavenly Father.
The End Is Not the End
C. Everett Koop on death and dying.
Christianity and Scientific Concerns
Six evangelical scholars--including C. Everett Koop--in a panel discussion on technology and bioethics.
Thou Shall Have More Kids
In defense of bigger families and smaller budgets.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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