Christian Unity
Embracing Church Unity And Variety (Change The Seasoning, Keep The Chicken)
So many church arguments aren’t about the meat. They’re about the seasoning we add to it.

When someone says a restaurant serves the best chicken in town, it’s never about the chicken.

Every properly-cooked chicken tastes the same.

What’s different is the flavoring.

It’s the same with churches.

So many of the arguments we have about the right way to ...

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Church Growth
Do We Need A Broader Definition Of Church Growth?
Any definition of church growth that doesn’t allow for, even celebrate, churches that contribute in non-numerical ways is incomplete.

There's more than one way for churches to grow.

But over the last forty years or so we've been given one model of church growth almost exclusively. Get more people in the building.

That model is so prevalent that when I dare to suggest that many small churches are healthy ...

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Getting Unstuck: Innovative Small Churches Find Alternatives, Not Excuses
Problems don’t become excuses when we say “we can’t do it that way.” They become excuses when we say “we can’t do it any other way, either.”

Pastoring a small church is not for the faint of heart.

It involves ministering to and with people at every level of their lives. Spiritual, social, financial, emotional and more. All with extremely limited resources at every level, including time, staffing, facility, finances ...

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Church Leadership
Pastoral Transition: Setting Your Church Up For Ministry Success After You're Gone
The church was here long before us, and it will be here long after us. Let's leave it better for the next pastor.

Following a long-term, successful pastorate is one of the hardest callings in ministry.

It should be one of the easiest. After all, if we’re doing pastoral ministry right, we should set up the next pastor for an even greater level of ministry success than we had.

Instead, ...

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Church Leadership
Are You Missing What God Is Doing While Holding Out For Something Bigger?
When we get to heaven will God ask some of us "Why did you look down on the ministry I gave you?"

God doesn’t always show up in our lives and ministries the way we want him to.

Because, even though we want to do great things for God, our definition of great isn’t always the same as God’s definition of great.

We all have great opportunities for ministry. Don't ...

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Church Growth
5 Mistakes More Likely To Be Made By Big Churches Than Small Churches
Consider this a friendly view from the outside looking in.

Big churches serve many great roles in the body of Christ. And the church growth movement that spawned many of them has been a great blessing to me and so many others in ministry.

But numerical growth, while great, does not come without challenges.

In my last post, 5 Mistakes ...

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Small Church Ministry
5 Mistakes More Likely To Be Made By Small Churches Than Big Churches
Different sizes of churches serve different functions. And they face different challenges.

Small churches are not just smaller versions of big churches.

Every size has value, but different sizes serve different functions in the body of Christ. They also have different challenges and they tend to make different kinds of mistakes.

Here are 5 mistakes that are more likely ...

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Church Growth
If Your Church Is Healthy, Why Is It Still Small?
It's a valid question. I wish I had a tidy answer. But here's what I do know.
If Your Church Is Healthy, Why Is It Still Small?

Oh my. That question.

“How can you say your church is healthy if it’s not growing?”

If I’ve been asked it once…

But I still don’t know how to answer it.

I wish I did. Because it’s a perfectly valid question.

But life doesn’t tie itself ...

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Christian Unity
When You Feel Like A Failure (A Good Friday Reflection)
So much of Jesus’ life, ministry and message looked like a failure. Until the resurrection.

The gospel was built on failure.

What we now know as good news started as very bad news.

It was never supposed to work.

For a long time, it looked like it never would.

It started with a young, pregnant, single girl in a backwater town too small to be mentioned in most ancient records. ...

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Church Leadership
The Best Way To Avoid Pastor Burnout? Equip The Saints
Neither information or inspiration is enough. Pastors need to help congregations turn it into perspiration.

The New Testament doesn’t emphasize the role of pastor nearly as much as our current church structure does.

In fact, there’s just one passage – one! – in which the role of the pastor (along with apostles, prophets, evangelists, and teachers) is mentioned. ...

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Small Church Ministry
Only In a Small Church: Sometimes You Gotta Kill Cockroaches
Principles that make sense in a big church don't always work in a smaller one.

Small churches aren’t just smaller versions of big churches. They have unique gifts, challenges and methods of operation.

But not everyone realizes that fact. Including some small church pastors.

This often leads to frustration when we go to ministerial conferences or read ...

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Small Church Ministry
The Value of a Small Church: Personalized Major League Coaching
Schools, sports and megachurches recognize the value of breaking into smaller groups for learning, coaching and relationships. So why do we devalue it in smaller churches?

I’m taking my family to a bigger church.

I doubt if there’s a small church pastor that hasn’t felt the pain of those words.

I was reminded of that pain while getting re-acquainted with a friend over coffee recently.

My friend is a semi-volunteer staff member at ...

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Christian Unity
The Most Important Lesson Older and Younger Ministers Can Learn from Each Other
If I had one chance to tell younger and older ministers how to treat each other, here's what I'd say.

I'm not as old as I used to be.

I just turned 57. A mere 25 years ago, when the average pastor's age was 44, my current age would have made me an older minister.

Today, with the average pastor being 54, I'm in middle age.

In recent years as I’ve traveled and spoken ...

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Innovative Ministry
Why Are Church Leaders Always Talking About Change? (7 Reasons)
The alternative to change isn’t stability. It’s stubbornness. Besides, no one needs help to stay the same.
Why Are Church Leaders Always Talking About Change? (7 Reasons)
Image: Conal Gallagher | Flickr

We worship an eternally unchanging God, as seen in a book whose newest parts are almost 2,000 years old. That’s a lot of stability.

So why does it seem like every church leader talks more about the things my church needs to change than the things that need to stay the same? ...

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Innovative Ministry
The 3 Best Times to Bring Needed Change to a Church
Healthy churches are always looking for ways to make good things better. They don’t wait for something to break before they fix it.

It’s not always easy to fix long-term problems and implement needed changes in a church – especially when old, dysfunctional ways have taken root.

Sometimes we make our job harder than it needs to be, not by doing the wrong things, but by doing the right things at ...

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