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When Our Labels Fail: The End of 'Pro-Choice'
Our impulse to divide and categorize has its limits.
Hobby Lobby: The First Martyr Under Obamacare?
Why more Christians should be alarmed by the ruling against the craft store chain.
Why the Dinesh D'Souza Scandal Hit Home
There's more at stake in our leaders' failings than we think.
Liberty University's Flip-Flop Moment
Today, the students at Jerry Falwell's school are more likely to 'change the world' by buying a pair of TOMS Shoes than showing up at the state capitol. Could their soft activism signal a larger shift among evangelicals?
The Fake 'Holy War' Over Donald Trump's 'Get Even' Advice
News outlets debated its compatibility with Christianity. Liberty staff and students say such discussion is what Christian higher ed is for.
How Books Helped Save My Soul
I found light in my lit.
The Problem with "Awkward Couples of Liberty University"
And other postmodern instruments of public shame.
No Exceptions: The Case for a Consistent Pro-Life Ethic
Is unborn life not worth protecting in cases of rape and incest?
Packing Heat and Trusting Providence: Why I Own a Handgun
Being a pro-life woman means protecting my life, too.
The Soul of Your Soles: Why Women Love Shoes
Celebrating those 'bursts of beauty that defy the mundane.'
Theology on a Tightrope: Nik Wallenda's High-Wire Walk and Our Longing for God
Why we can't get enough of death-defying feats.
Ditch the Diploma: Why College Graduates Are Questioning Their Education
And why you might question whether God is calling you to get a bachelor's degree.
Why Facebook Removed Photos of a Baby
The site's banning of photos of Heather Walker's dying infant reveals a culture terrified of death.
Why Jerry Falwell Sr. Isn't Rolling In His Grave over Romney's Liberty Invitation
And what the university's invitation to the Mormon candidate says about evangelical political engagement.
Amazing Grace, How Slow the Work: Why We Still Have Slaves
We often expect spiritual change to happen overnight. Sometimes it takes the course of human history.
The Wall Builders: A Parable about the Gender Debates
A tale about a small kingdom, the kingdom-dwellers, and the great wall that divided them.
Do Pets Go to Heaven?
An author, a professor, and an animal advocate weigh in.
Trayvon Martin, Hoodies, and the Power of Images
Understanding our visual writing helps explain how we respond to the case.
Why 'Slut' Cuts to the Core—of All of Us
The furor over Rush Limbaugh's comments illustrates the power of a single word.
What the 'After-Birth Abortion' and 'Personhood' Debates Have in Common
If there is 'no moral difference' between infants and fetuses, where do we draw the line?