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People Aren’t as Loyal to a Church Or Denomination Anymore – Good For Them
We need to stop whining about people’s lack of commitment to our churches and give them something - and someone - worth committing to.
7 Steps to Start Becoming a Church People Want to Commit To
A lot of recently unchurched people are like some of the rowdy kids in school. They’re ditching because they’re not being challenged.
Six Tips for Taking Center Stage
Make a smooth transition from associate to lead pastor.
Burnout Is a Danger, Whatever Your Church Size
I exhausted myself trying to expand our little church, then again when I couldn’t keep up with the growth.
The 3 Best Times to Bring Needed Change to a Church
Healthy churches are always looking for ways to make good things better. They don’t wait for something to break before they fix it.
Why Are Church Leaders Always Talking About Change? (7 Reasons)
The alternative to change isn’t stability. It’s stubbornness. Besides, no one needs help to stay the same.
It's Time For A Church Transition: Should The Pastor Leave? Hand Off? Or Reboot?
No church should be so reliant on one person that it’s at risk of collapse when that person leaves. Even if that person is the pastor.
Planting Disciple-Making Churches in the City
What does it take to grow healthy congregations in this hostile environment?
Confessions of a Former ‘It’ Church Pastor
We were the hottest church in our area. Then everything imploded.
Adapt, Adjust And Diversify: Some Of Our Differences Make The Church Stronger
As long as the center holds, our differences won’t make the church weaker. They’re an essential element for making us stronger.
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