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Is the Megachurch Era Over? Yes. And No. (And Other Contradictory Answers)
Megachurches aren't going away. Nor should they. But we need to make room for other models, too.
9 Reasons to Embrace the Term 'Small Church'
Being small is not a problem, so calling us small churches isn't a problem either.
The Main Reason Pastors Count People Is Not as Noble (or Sinister) as You Think
Pastoral ministry has plenty of challenges with very few immediate rewards. But seeking affirmation through numbers is a dangerous game.
Diagnosing and Changing Church Culture
What you need to know about your past to move forward
The Church Needs More Creative Christians – And Better Critics
Every creative Christian has been criticized. We remember the creatives. We’ve forgotten the critics.
9 Things I Love to See When I Visit a Church
I don't need a Hollywood-level production, just a genuine, healthy expression of worship and fellowship.
Why Didn’t the Disciples Ask Jesus How to Measure Success?
Would Jesus have responded to the question “how will we measure success” with anything less than a face-palm?
How Church Size Culture Is Affecting the Decline of Denominations
The size of the church we minister in has almost invisibly become a greater point of connection and disagreement than our denominations.
7 Big Church Assumptions that Unintentionally Hurt Small Churches
Some small church pastors have stopped looking for help from their big church counterparts because they're tired of being hurt. It doesn't have to be like this.
The Essential First Step to Having a Healthy Small Church
The biggest problem with small churches is not that they’re small. It’s that we think being small is a problem. 
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