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4 Proven Strategies for the Care and Treatment of an Unhealthy Church
Unhealthy churches aren’t like healthy ones. Acting as though they are doesn’t help them, it hurts them.
Why Most Pastors Aren’t Answering Your Phone Calls
It's one the great mysteries of ministry. Why do pastors have such a bad reputation for answering or returning phone calls? Here are 9 reasons.
Overcome Ministry Burnout By Learning to Say ‘No’
Saying ‘no’ isn’t a lack of faith. Sometimes it’s a necessary first step in narrowing our focus and strengthening our faith.
Slay the Beast of Ambition before It Slays You
3 ministry proverbs to quell competition and cultivate humility.
Losing the Weight of New Year’s Resolutions
This year, I’m letting God write my resolutions.
6 Reasons a Leader Never Says "At Least Someone Is Doing Something!"
It doesn’t matter how much activity you’re generating if you’re not solving the problem.
Why Moral Failure Happens When Ministry Is Going Great
7 characteristics of success that can lead to adultery.
The Busy Pastor’s Guide to Inbox Shalom
A clear email inbox is a ministry aid. Here’s how to get (and stay) there.
How Churches Can Partner with Outside Counselors
It’s about supplementing, not replacing, pastoral care.
How Doing Fewer Events Is Helping Our Church Do Better Ministry
If your church, or a department in it, needs to hit the refresh button, it’s not a backwards step to strip things down to the basics.
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