Politics+Current Affairs

How Missionaries Are Changing Medicine
Why we'll see more impressive discoveries in the field.
The Good Heart of the Adoption Movement
Kathryn Joyce's book, 'The Child Catchers,' misses out on how adoption benefits women.
Here's to the Misfits
How Silicon Valley entrepreneurs are taking a leap of faith to create technology that makes you more human.
Adoption Horror Stories Aren't the Whole Story
'The Child Catchers' demonizes overseas adoption through agenda-driven journalism.
The Gosnell Case and My Heart For Tiny Babies
Why I couldn't bear to follow the coverage this time.
The Sex Lives of Unmarried Evangelicals
80 percent of young unmarried evangelicals have had sex? Really?
Bad Sex That "Just Happens"
Donna Frietas looks at the social pressures and cultural stereotypes that fuel the campus hookup culture.
Stewards of Wealth Streams
Four Silicon Valley residents who are wielding their region's capital for good.
Ignoring Worker Injustice Won't Make It Go Away
Taking the source of our shopping seriously.
The Oceans Declare the Glory of God
How NASA oceanographer Jorge Vazquez is protecting the seas through climate-change research.
A New Creation Story
Why do more homeschoolers want evolution in their textbooks?
The Shepherd
Michael Cromartie is guiding media elites into a more accurate view of conservative Christians.
Who Volunteers the Most?
Graduates of Protestant high schools, apparently.
Religious Freedom Is Not a Zero-Sum Game
Paul Marshall, Nina Shea, and Lela Gilbert take an ecumenical approach to fighting international persecution.
Keeping Christian Schools Alive in Urban Chicago
How Bright Promise Fund helps faith-based educators keep their doors open.
Gleanings: May 2013
Important developments in the church and the world.
Remembering George Beverly Shea
Singer's most lasting achievement was introducing "How Great Thou Art" to America.
Pastors Push Back Against 'Annual Registration Fee'
One Illinois city says it's charging churches a fee, but church leaders call it an unfair 'tax.'
Conversion Confusion
Did a widow with seven children get 15 years in an Egyptian prison for becoming a Christian? Not so fast.

Top Story May 18, 2024

The Miracle of the Ear
The Miracle of the Ear
Speech was not God’s only miracle at Pentecost. The Spirit also gave the gift of understanding, overcoming division and contempt.

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