Politics+Current Affairs

Meet the Christian Doctor Who Changed How We Play Football
Bennet Omalu, played by Will Smith in the new film 'Concussion,' says it's time to ban children from playing high-contact sports.
Orthodox Rabbis Say Christianity Is God's Plan, Vatican Says Stop Evangelizing Jews
Experts assess letter exchange marking 50th anniversary of famous detente.
The Biggest Apology for Christian Persecution of Other Christians Ever
In an 'astounding admission,' global church leaders repent for past abuse of other denominations.
‘Same God’ Standoff: Wheaton College, Suspended Professor Hold Ground, Miroslav Volf Weighs In
Debate continues over Larycia Hawkins's explanation (not act) of wearing a hijab during Advent.
Preachiness Never Changed Anybody's Mind
An excerpt from CT's Beautiful Orthdoxy Book of the Year.
How We Instagrammed Away Our Feelings
Today’s hipster irony and OMG sentimentality distracts from real-life sincerity.
The Beautiful Orthodoxy Book of the Year
The 2015 release that best embodies CT's pursuit of truthfulness and loveliness.
Neither Heroes Nor Head-Cases
A better framework for ministering to military members.
Christianity Today's 2016 Book Awards
Our picks for the books most likely to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture.
North Korea Sentences Canadian Megachurch Pastor to Life in Prison
(UPDATED) Toronto pastor who made hundreds of humanitarian trips dodges death penalty.
Wheaton College Suspends Hijab-Wearing Professor After 'Same God' Comment
(UPDATED) Larycia Hawkins said she wanted to show Advent solidarity with Muslims.
Beyond Fight or Flight: $1 Million Reveals How Christians Cope with Persecution in 30 Countries
Under Caesar's Sword conference in Rome explores strategies in 100 beleaguered communities.
Liberty Student: Why I Didn’t Cheer for Jerry Falwell Jr.
Guns in our pockets or not, Christians shouldn’t celebrate killing.
C.S. Lewis Was a Secret Government Agent
A recent discovery unveils an unknown chapter in the life the famous Oxford Don.
War Is Hell. But It Can Be Heaven.
Why soldiers crave the extremes of active duty.
Offense Welcome: Please Debate This Article
When “I feel” began to overtake “I think” in my classroom, I took a closer look at disagreeing well.
Welcoming Their Former Enemies
Syrian refugees resettle in what was once "the Paris of the Middle East."
Ben Carson Is Dreaming of a White House Christmas
The Seventh-day Adventist candidate discusses God's role in his presidential campaign.
Prayer Shaming After San Bernardino Shooting: What's ‘Doing Something’?
Debate rages over whether prayers without gun control are worthless when it comes to mass shootings.
On ‘Thoughts and Prayers’ After Another Mass Shooting
Prayer—and lament—is the proper first response to tragedy.

Top Story June 2, 2024

Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Pakistan’s Christians Fear Forced Marriages. Punjab Court Ruling Brings New Hope
Church leaders and human rights experts weigh in on whether raising the legal age is sufficient in shielding minors.

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