Politics+Current Affairs

Three Views: If a Cure for Down Syndrome Is Found, Should Parents Accept It?
To many families, the limitations are no match for love.
The Feminists We Forgot
Betty Friedan did not start the “woman movement;” Christians did.
Don't Blame Evangelicals for the Cult of the Virgin
As the saying goes, we didn’t start the fire.
Let Them Eat Dirt
Undoing the guilt, delusion, and obsession of today’s parents.
Obamacare's Bump: More Christians Now Sharing Health Care Costs
Christian alternatives to traditional insurance see surge in enrollments.
Putting Our Womanhood to Work
Forget the stereotypes: Women get ahead by being themselves.
In Defense of Helicopter Parenting
I wouldn't go back to an earlier era of parenting even if I could.
Poverty Is a Moral Problem
Development economist William Easterly says too much aid undermines the rights of the poor.
Three Views: How Can Churches Reach Nominal Believers Before They Become 'Nones'?
Experts discuss how to prevent nominal Christians from leaving the faith.
Marriage in the Age of 'Conscious Uncoupling'
Five things Gwyneth Paltrow's announcement gets wrong about relationships.
God Used Me to Stop a School Shooter
Antoinette Tuff, the steady voice who famously talked down an armed intruder, speaks out about her faith.
World Vision Reverses Decision to Hire Christians in Same-Sex Marriages
(UPDATED) President Richard Stearns: 'Certain beliefs are so core to our Trinitarian faith that we must take a strong stand on those beliefs.'
Imagine All the People
Trillia Newbell casts a vision for a reconciled, racially diverse church.
The View from the Religious Middle
How can we oppose injustice without acting like the sky is falling?
World Vision: Why We’re Hiring Gay Christians in Same-Sex Marriages
(UPDATED) Controversial decision reversed days after president Richard Stearns explains change is a symbol of Christian ‘unity’ not ‘compromise.’
China's Deadly Lightning
Cult violence prompts pastors to ramp up doctrine—and work with state officials.
Why Hobby Lobby Is This Year's Supreme Court Case To Watch
(UPDATED) Tuesday's Green family appeal has religious liberty, corporate law, and Obamacare contraception all at stake.
All Women Have Leadership Potential
How the church could do a better job preparing them for positions of power.
What We Celebrate on World Down Syndrome Day
And how you can help us tell, and live, the good stories
Ministry After Mary Jane
Legalized marijuana is a gold mine for Colorado revenue—and what else? Ask the churches.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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