Politics+Current Affairs

Muslim Brotherhood Signs Agreement with Egyptian Evangelicals
But is the 10-point agreement worthy of trust?
The Fight for Egypt's Future
Coptic Christians test new strategies to thrive in an Islamist Egypt.
Egyptian Christians Back to Square One Ahead of Election
After a year of new forms of political engagement, why do Copts still face the same ‘bitter choice’ of old regime vs. Islamists?
Quotation Marks
Quotes about Richard Land, the word 'a,' and more.
Deaths, appointments, and other changes in the church and the world.
Young Evangelicals Still at War? A Review of 'A Faith of Our Own'
Jonathan Merritt seeks a non-partisan faith, but leaving behind the left-right culture clashes is harder than it seems.
Brave New Web: Navigating the Conflict Between Pluralism and Freedom
Religious organizations should defend their public presence without resorting to individualism.
Evangelical Leaders Split Over Violence Against Women Act
House passes bill that removes protections for immigrant women who are victims of violence.
Defender of the Weak, Hugger of Lepers, Friend of Sinners, Christian Intellectual
The head of Prison Fellowship wore many hats before his April 21 death.
How Mitt Romney Could Pitch Himself as Mormon Freedom Fighter
The Republican presidential candidate can appeal to evangelicals by standing against global persecution.
Why Jerry Falwell Sr. Isn't Rolling In His Grave over Romney's Liberty Invitation
And what the university's invitation to the Mormon candidate says about evangelical political engagement.
How Evangelicals Have Shifted in Public Opinion on Same-Sex Marriage
And what President Obama's announcement could mean politically and legally.
Private Faith and Public Policy: Where Obama and Santorum Agree
Let's not vomit on JFK's famous church-state speech.
Supreme Court Decision on Religion Upends Campus Religious Groups
 Nearly two years after the Christian Legal Society v. Martinez ruling, the case is causing strife for religious groups across U.S. college campuses.
President's Evolution Is Over: Obama Commits to Supporting Same-Sex Marriage
Obama says support for same-sex marriage is consistent with his faith.
Should We Stop Child Placement Programs if We're Required to Work with Same-Sex Couples?
A theology professor, a law professor, and an editor weigh in.
Is the Lord's Prayer a Christian Prayer?
Observers weigh in as a judge considers the question.
Violence in Nigeria: Breaking the Country's Fatal Deadlock
Christians and Muslims will find peace if they work together for justice.
Q & A: Nikki Haley on Faith, the 'War on Women,' and Why She Would Say No to VP
The governor of South Carolina doesn't wear faith on her sleeve, but she's open about her Sikh to Christianity conversion.

Top Story June 1, 2024

India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results
Church leaders mobilized prayer for parliament and state elections, knowing the question wasn’t whether Hindu nationalists would win but the size of their mandate.

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