Church Life+Ministry

"PLUS: The Neighborhood's Last, Best Hope"
American congregations give more to society than they get from it
How to Rebuild a Country
Chet Thomas says it happens one village at a time
The Peoples are Here
Record immigration pushes Christians out of their comfort zone
Clergy ratings at lowest point ever
Survey finds low trust in the church
Beach blanket rebirth
Luis Palau to take Fort Lauderdale spring break festival nationwide
Prostitutes Sue Christians
Evangelicals are causing a loss of income in Chile's sex trade
Evangelism Antagonism
Sharing the Good News is not a hate crime
Comments on Islam Endanger Missionaries, Letter Says
Baptists in Muslim nations plead for restraint in public statements by American Christians
The Positive Prophet
Tony Campolo is a ferocious critic of Christians left and right. Why do people still flock to hear him?
Tony Talks Too Much
Campolo has sworn to cut back many times, but still couldn't say no to speaking engagements.
Candidate Campolo
‘The idea of winning was ridiculous.’
Why Clinton Likes Campolo
The President and evangelist talked about sexual ethics long before Monica
Why I Walked
Sometimes loving a denomination requires you to fight
Return to Kabul
Shelter Now's Georg Taubmann talks about ministry and security in the former Taliban state
Temple Square face-off
"Baptist evangelist irks LDS, but court is on his side"
Liturgy vs. opium
Orthodox use prayer and sacraments to heal drug addicts in Russia
Zimbabwe: Food for votes
"Aid agencies fight starvation, Mugabe's brutal politics in Zimbabwe"
Cote D'Ivoire: Missionaries flee violence
Muslim rebel attacks force school closures
A Holy Nuisance
J.I. Packer has strong words for those who don't feel called to agitate for reform
Open-book Ministry
"Financial transparency is a must, even when it's not legally required"

Top Story May 26, 2024

What I Would Change After 30 Years of Marriage
What I Would Change After 30 Years of Marriage
I should have invited Ruth to our wedding—to acknowledge how much our ordinary moments point to the story of Christ.

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