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The Church Is Losing Its Gray Heads
Why are boomers and Gen X dropping out of church at higher rates than younger Christians?
Le corps garde la foi
La vie spirituelle se poursuit malgré la désorientation due à la démence.
The Body Keeps the Faith
Theologian says spiritual life continues despite disorientation of dementia.
7 Books for Your Pastoral Care Library
Must-have resources for multifaceted ministry.
How to Be Pro-Life in Our Real Lives
The Christian call to care for the vulnerable starts with facing the heightened needs in our own communities.
Middle-Age Couples: Your Marriage Doesn’t Have to Be Stuck in Survival Mode
How the stresses and strains of aging can strengthen the bonds of love.
Churches Should Not Be the First to Reopen
The demographics of many US congregations make sanctuaries a risky place for gatherings to resume.
Five Books That Capture the Blessings of Getting Older
Chosen by Michelle Van Loon, author of "Becoming Sage: Cultivating Meaning, Purpose, and Spirituality in Midlife" (Moody Publishers).
Your Church Needs Boomers
How a hyper-focus on “attracting the young” can sideline the aging faithful.
Boomers, Take It from Woody or Iron Man: It’s Time to Pass the Torch
This summer’s blockbusters showcase the importance of transferring wisdom between generations.
A Visit with Luis Palau, Still on Fire for Christ in the Sunset of Life
Despite terminal lung cancer, the Argentinian-born evangelist remains full of energy and evangelistic passion.
Quick To ListenEpisode 152|48min
Retirement for Those Who Can’t
Do Christian understandings of work and aging accommodate those who can’t afford to leave their jobs behind?
The Biggest Difference Between Churches That Are Raising Young Leaders And Those That Aren't
We cannot simultaneously mourn the absence of young church leaders while belittling the way they lead.
Can Anti-Aging Treatments Offer Abundant Life?
Science seeks to fix aging and death. But a Christian vision of the good life might actually embrace them.
A Place for Death in the Life of the Church
What does faithful ministry look like in a church that sees more funerals than baptisms?
How to Stay Married When You’re Stuck Between Needy Teens and Aging Parents
When my father fell ill, these three tools helped sustain my faith—and my marriage.
The Beginning of Dementia Isn’t the End of Grace
How the church can come to the aid of sufferers and their loved ones.
In 'Cars 3,' Humility Finishes First over Generational Conflict
The classic Pixar franchise returns with a refreshing look at what it means to pass the torch onward.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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