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Gleanings: November 2016
Important developments in the church and the world (as they appeared in our November issue).
Now Kazakhstan Christians Can Prove Their Faith Isn't Foreign
Archaeologists discover that Christianity existed along Silk Road long before the Russians arrived.
Ancient Sticky Notes Shift Secular Scholars Closer to Evangelicals on Bible’s Age
Literacy in Old Testament times was more widespread than previously thought.
Biblical Archaeology’s Top Ten Discoveries of 2015
A glimpse at the important excavation work revealed this year.
Modern 'Monuments Men' Seek to Save Christian History from ISIS
Biblical-era artifacts are one of Islamic State's top sources of funding.
Why It Matters That the Exodus Really Happened
No less than Western law, the civil rights movement, and Christianity itself rest on the historicity of the biblical event.
Biblical Archaeology’s Top Ten Discoveries of 2014
A glimpse at the important work that goes on at excavations every year.
O Subtle Star of Bethlehem
Theory suggests wise men saw something big in something little.
Evangelical Seminary Explains Why It Enrolled First Muslim Student
(UPDATED) Unusual decision draws scrutiny at one of largest Southern Baptist schools.
Why Everything Looks Like Jesus
Images of Jesus are everywhere, under 45 tons of rubble and on pieces of toast. New research tells why.
Searching for Sodom
Is it time to rewrite Old Testament chronologies?
The Latest Challenge to the Bible's Accuracy: Abraham's Anachronistic Camels?
Despite the latest study of bones, evidence indicates the iconic desert animals do belong in Genesis.
Biblical Archaeology’s Top Ten Discoveries of 2013
A glimpse into the important work that goes on at excavations across Israel every year.
Has Biblical Archaeology's 'Gold Rush' Found King David's Palace?
(UPDATED) Ruins at Khirbet Qeiyafa are largest-known buildings in ancient Judah.
Now You Can Study the Dead Sea Scrolls Without Getting Out of Bed
Google creates 'online collection of 5,000 images of scroll fragments.'
Noah's Ark Has a New Believer: Archaeologist Who Found Titanic, Bismarck
Robert Ballard: "We started finding structures [in the Black Sea] that looked like they were man-made."
'Jesus Said to Them, "My Wife..."'
Manuscript fragment apparently from the 300s suggests debate over whether Jesus was married.
Closer than Ever to the Breath of God
Why Protestants are especially fascinated with the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Philistine Digs Define David and Solomon
Early Israelite dig helps define David and Solomon.
James Ossuary Verdict Not Set In Stone
Biblical archaeologists still split over conclusion of long-running Israeli court drama.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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