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The Cross Contradicts Our Culture Wars
The victory of Christ was won by crucifixion, not societal conquest.
Lima Kesalahan yang Harus Dihapus Dari Khotbah Paskah Anda
Jika Anda ingin menolong jemaat memandang Minggu Paskah dengan pandangan yang lebih segar, mulailah dengan menghapus beberapa kesalahan ini.
슬픔에 가까운 부활의 기쁨
성탄의 기쁨과 대조되는 그리스도의 부활
당신의 부활절 설교에서 빼야 할 다섯 가지 오류들
사람들이 바른 시각으로 성 주간을 볼 수 있도록 여러분이 돕고 싶다면, 이런 익숙한 오류들을 제거하는 것부터 시작하라.
Ce que des spécialistes non croyants admettent des apparitions de Jésus après sa mort
Les données historiques sont claires : ceux qui ont prétendu voir le ressuscité ont bel et bien vu quelque chose.
Cinco errores a evitar en su sermón de Pascua
Si quiere ayudar a que la gente vea la Semana Santa con nuevos ojos, empiece por deshacerse de estas conocidas falacias.
Even the Rocks and the Cacti Cry Out
A recent trip to Joshua Tree National Park brought home the wilderness of Lent.
La joie de Pâques n’est pas sans mélancolie
La célébration de la résurrection du Christ contraste avec la joie de Noël.
Holy Week Playlist: Songs to Survey the Wondrous Cross
Christian leaders and musicians share their favorite Easter music.
O que C. S. Lewis e John Henry Newman nos ensinam sobre a alegria melancólica da Páscoa
A celebração da ressurreição de Cristo contrasta com a alegria do Natal.
Jesus Is Risen! Now What?
We’re quick to affirm the Resurrection, but we often miss its full meaning.
When We Survey the Wondrous Cross
Lent invites us to gain perspective by facing our mortality.
’Tis Mystery All! The Immortal Dies!
How can we even begin to understand this astonishing, amazing love?
The Stunning Humility of God
Jesus’ gruesome death didn’t happen randomly or accidentally. He knew very well what was coming his way.
Why We Sing Such a Bloody Song
The power of “There Is a Fountain” is its insistence that Jesus' death was real, was messy, and made all the difference.
Were You There When They Crucified My Lord?
There are no easy answers to the spiritual’s convicting questions.
Jesus Is the God of Ground Zero
In grief, he is our consolation.
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today!
Reflections on Wesley’s great hymn of suffering and salvation.
Ain’t No Grave Gonna Hold Our Bodies Down
What does the Resurrection tell us about God’s plans for us?

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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