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Iraqi Christians in the US Face Deportation Again
Some Chaldean detainees lost their chance to fight to stay. But it’s still unclear if their home country will let them back.
My Favorite ‘Quick to Listen’ Episodes of 2018
The hosts of CT's weekly news podcast on the episodes they won't soon forget.
Judge Releases Over 100 Iraqi Christians Detained by ICE
Chaldeans in Detroit celebrate the coming return of scores of community members facing deportation.
Quick To ListenEpisode 133|56min
Iraqi Christians Waited Years for American Funds. Is Now Too Late?
The despair and hope of the country’s persecuted religious minorities.
Sparing Nineveh: US Pledges $300 Million So Iraq’s Christians Can Return Home
A new round of funding, plus improved processes, will help minority faiths rebuild four years after ISIS pushed them out.
Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Christian Doctor Who Heals Rape Victims
Congolese gynecologist Denis Mukwege is on a crusade for women’s dignity.
Quick To ListenEpisode 128|52min
Just 23 Iranian and Iraqi Refugees Have Come to America This Year
The Trump administration announced further cuts to the resettlement program. What can Christians do?
US Tells Iraqi Christians Help Is on Its Way (For Real This Time)
After months of delays, Vice President Pence pushes to streamline aid to the persecuted.
‘Vicar of Baghdad’ Cleared of Paying ISIS to Redeem Yazidi Sex Slaves
Case of Andrew White exposes hazards of charity work in a war zone.
What Arab Leaders Think of USAID Funding Persecuted Christians
Middle East believers pray more American money won't mean more problems.
Pence: US Will Bypass UN and Aid Persecuted Iraqi Christians Directly
Vice president reveals USAID will provide direct assistance to religious minorities targeted by ISIS.
Iraqi Christians at Odds with World on Kurdish Independence Referendum
Kurds and Christians both want security and autonomy as minorities in Iraq. But one’s dream could dash the other’s.
Christians Could Return to Middle East, Thanks to Trump (Deportations)
Emptied Arab churches prepare for a rare task: making room.
Gleanings: September 2017
Important developments in the church and the world (as they appeared in our September issue).
Hobby Lobby Returns ‘Priceless’ Artifacts Smuggled from Iraq
Federal investigation fines Steve Green’s company $3 million.
Quick To ListenEpisode 64|36min
What Iraqi Christians Want the American Government to Know
What are the history and political priorities of this tiny minority community?
Judge Halts Deportations of Detroit Christians to Iraq
Court order gives 100-plus Chaldeans two weeks to make their case.
Evangelicals Tell Trump: Don't Deport Christians to Face Genocide in Iraq
As outcry over fate of 199 mostly Chaldeans continues, so do ICE arrests.
How God Sent His Word to An Iraqi Interpreter
I saw an American soldier reading his Bible, and I wanted to know more.
US Prepares to Deport Hundreds of Iraqi Christians
American veteran faces forced return to dangerous homeland that two-thirds of his fellow believers have fled.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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