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Jesús me salvó el día de mi funeral
Estaba listo para mi entierro cuando Jesús me dio la misión de proclamar su nombre.
Que se passe-t-il lorsque chrétiens et musulmans traduisent les Écritures ensemble ?
Au Tchad, des évangéliques se réjouissent de partenariats inattendus — et de nouveaux convertis — à la suite de projets de traduction dans des langues minoritaires.
« Nous ne sommes pas au paradis » : un analyste nigérien évoque la situation des chrétiens après le coup d’État.
Entre conflits incessants, djihadistes et sanctions occidentales, la minorité chrétienne de la région du Sahel prie pour la paix.
Jesus Met Me on the Morning of My Funeral
I was dressed for burial when he gave me a mission to proclaim his name.
‘We Are Not in Heaven’: Niger Analyst Explains Christians’ Concern After Coup
Wary of West African war and Western sanctions, Christian minority in the jihadist-plagued Sahel region nervously prays for peace.
What the US Can Learn from PEPFAR
Researcher Deborah Birx, former head of the now-embattled Bush program, thinks US churches can fight diseases like African churches fought HIV/AIDS.
International Anti-Persecution Strategies Are Failing Nigerian Christians
How the efforts of global advocacy groups depend on the capacity of local leaders.
Bishop’s Elevation May End Kenyan Methodist Turmoil
Isaiah Deye is elected to replace Joseph Ntombura, who was accused of mishandling church funds.
Pro-Life Dispute Leaves Program for HIV/AIDS Patients in Peril
A negative score from groups accusing PEPFAR of supporting abortion threatens the program’s five-year renewal.
Congo : il a construit une université, abrité des réfugiés et œuvré pour la paix. Puis il a été arrêté.
En juin, le gouvernement de République démocratique du Congo a arrêté le théologien Lazare Sebitereko Rukundwa et le retient sans motifs d’inculpation.
He Built a University, Sheltered Fleeing People, and Worked for Peace in Congo. Then He Was Arrested.
The government detained Lazare Sebitereko Rukundwa in June and is holding him without charges.
El movimiento más diverso de la historia
El cristianismo ha sido un movimiento multicultural, multirracial y multiétnico desde sus inicios.
Let There Be Lite: Offline Bible App Launches in Africa, Asia
Millions have downloaded YouVersion’s new “lite” app, designed for mobile users without access to broadband internet.
Hundreds of Nigerian Christians Killed in Recent Attacks
Officials blame fighters targeting “ethnoreligious minorities as well as houses of worship and religious ceremonies.”
Ghana’s Christians Divided Over Proposed Monument to National Unity
Economic woes halt progress on President Nana Akufo-Addo’s planned cathedral as criticism turns increasingly religious.
What Happens When Christians and Muslims Translate Scripture Side by Side
Evangelicals in Chad are celebrating unexpected partnerships—and new converts—from recent projects in minority languages.
Cyrus, Pharaoh, or Xerxes: Nigerian Christians Seek Parallels for New President They Opposed
Bola Tinubu spurned tradition to pick a fellow Muslim as his running mate. Believers wonder if he will champion greater Islamization, be the figure able to resist it, or listen to his evangelical wife.
Conflit au Soudan : les chrétiens au risque d’être piétinés comme de l’herbe
Le pays a connu des conflits et des coups d’État à maintes reprises, mais cette fois-ci, selon l’historien Christopher Tounsel, les croyants se trouvent en plein milieu.
Christians Worry About Getting Trampled Like Grass in Sudan Conflict
The African country has seen conflict and coup over and over, but this time, says historian Christopher Tounsel, believers are right in the middle of it.
As Churches Offer Refuge, Sudanese Christians Refine Theology of War
“Already but not yet” takes on new meaning as violence scatters believers from Khartoum to corners of Sudan where biblical application has long been lived.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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