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The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 73|39min
Meaning, Money, and Affection: What We’re Reading
Russell and producer Ashley Hales talk books.
‘Everything Bad Is Going to Come Untrue’
Tim Keller: We often seek short-term satisfaction. But what Jesus offers is far better.
C.S. Lewis nos advirtió sobre los ‘encuentros cercanos’ del tipo evangélico
Si los ovnis son reales, hay que actuar con humildad antes de compartir el Evangelio.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 60|42min
Russell’s Desert Island Bookshelf
Russell Moore and producer Ashley Hales discuss titles that last a lifetime.
C.S. Lewis Warned Us About Close Encounters of the Evangelical Kind
If UFOs are real, exercise some humility before sharing the gospel.
Save the Planet. Read Nature Fiction.
As an ecologist, I believe that works of literature draw us closer to God and deeper into creation care.
Pope Who Changed the Calendar Is Honored with an Asteroid
Gregory XIII joins Martin Luther, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and many other Christians with an astronomical tribute.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 48|50min
Developing a Biblical Framework with Christopher Watkin
The professor and author speaks to critical theory, Biblical interpretation, and cultural thought.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 47|48min
Elves, Boomers, and Influencers: What We’re Reading
Russell and producer Ashley Hales introduce a new quarterly books segment.
Reason and Logic Belong to God. So Do Imagination and Myth.
A new book explores what C. S. Lewis believed about the multileveled nature of reality.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 36|47min
Malcolm Guite’s Hope for Hurt Christians
The poet’s thoughts on imagination, illumination, and the truth of the gospel.
The Russell Moore ShowEpisode 33|41min
Best of Books 2022
Russell and producer Ashley Hales talk all things reading.
Christmas Is a Myth (The Good Kind)
How the fact of the Incarnation fulfills the hopes of every culture.
Narnia was C.S. Lewis’s Literary Petri Dish
It provided a controlled environment where he could develop, observe, and test his ideas about life and faith.
Faith and Doubt Aren’t Black and White
Travis Dickinson shows believers how to question their beliefs without discarding them.
福音派应该谦卑地从不同的基督教传统中学习 —— 然而许多人对新教诞生前的神学一无所知或抱持怀疑。

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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