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Former Bergdahl Pastor Calls for Mercy for 'Prodigal Son' Bowe
"Christians are getting engaged in the lynching," he says. "In any other situation, we'd be hugging the parents."
Would You Share the Gospel with Hitler's Worst Henchmen?
Meet Henry Gerecke, the American chaplain who embodied Christ’s mission to seek the lost, no matter how loathsome.
Israeli Military's Call-Up of Arab Christians Labeled 'Intimidation'
Attempt at increasing recruits ten-fold occurs against backdrop of stalled peace talks, Hamas-PLO reconciliation.
Israel Separates Christian and Muslim Arabs (Legally) for the First Time
(UPDATED) But Israeli Baptist leader says most Arab Christians will refuse unprecedented offer of special minority representation.
Toxic Leaders in Our Ranks
New Army research could inform how the church fosters healthier, godlier leadership.
Israel's Arab Christians and Jews: Brothers in Arms?
A priest and a sea captain’s solution to saving Mideast Christianity: Join the Israeli military.
Onward, Christian Couple
How marriages can survive deployment—with some help from the church.
A Higher Calling to Protect
Christians' deeper considerations of women in combat.
Female Heroes in a New Kind of Combat
Military women already serve and sacrifice in today's wars.
Given Deborah, Jael, and Judith, Why Shouldn't Women Serve in Combat?
Three views on the warrior women of the Bible and today, as the Pentagon announces it's lifting the ban.
Is the Petraeus Scandal a Religious Affair?
Some see echoes of King David.
Church Leaders Are Reshaping Ministry for 1 Million Returning Vets
Former military members need time and attention, but not necessarily programs.
How to Treat Veterans in Your Church
Recognizing them and their service doesn't mean making them stand up on Sunday morning.
The Truth About World War II's True Shepherds
Chaplains watched over their flocks in the midst of great danger.
Fighting to Die: Confusion About the Purpose of Martyrdom
Logan Mehl-Laituri dreamt of pacifist martyrdom in Iraq, but his reasons for seeking this fate are troubling.
Marriage, War, and Lent: Practicing Love During Separation
What my husband's military deployment has taught me about the spiritual disciplines.
Chaplains Watch and Wait after DADT Ends
Some chaplains are more cautious than others as the military lifts the ban on gays and lesbians from serving openly.
Drones: Is It Wrong to Kill by Remote Control?
Christian thinkers weigh in on whether the U.S. should use unmanned predator drones to target enemy forces.
Atheists in the Foxholes—as Chaplains
Why the military's inclusion of non-believing chaplains matters.
Doctrinal Boot Camp
Conforming to the truth of the faith is necessary for survival.

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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