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Tim Keller and Beth Moore, On and Off the Stage
Both leaders have huge followings. But how well do we really know them?
去到中國的宣教士常受限於來自家裡的壓力、領導階層犯的錯誤, 及其對西方的認同,但他們種下了在未來產生驚人收成的種子。
Les « non dénominationnels » sont désormais le groupe le plus important des protestants américains
Le dernier recensement américain des religions révèle que les communautés indépendantes se sont multipliées au cours de la dernière décennie.
‘Nondenominational’ Is Now the Largest Segment of American Protestants
US Religion Census finds independent congregations have surged in the last decade.
Worship Can Sound Like Silence and Feel Like Rest
The Liturgy Collective Gathering aims to offer a reprieve to the leaders responsible for filling the soundtracks of our services.
¿Quién pagará las facturas médicas de África?
Los lugareños cada vez abren más hospitales misioneros en África. El siguiente desafío: conservar donantes extranjeros.
Presbyterian Church in America Leaves National Association of Evangelicals
The PCA has been connected with the NAE since the denomination's founding, but has always fought about it.
Can the Church Still Enact Justice When a Pastor Sues His Accusers?
The PCA takes up the case of a church leader who responded to sexual harassment claims with a defamation lawsuit against his accusers.
Who Will Pay Africa’s Medical Bills?
Locals are increasingly running African mission hospitals. The next challenge: keeping foreign donors.
Racist Incidents at General Assembly Were Mostly Misunderstandings, OPC Says
Denomination walks back assessment of “egregiously offensive behavior.”
Church of Scotland Approves Same-Sex Marriage
(UPDATED) Traditionalist minority worry disagreement on the issue will make it harder to work together on mission.
Why Tennessee Is Just Now Looking at Lifting a Ban on Clergy in the Legislature
A Presbyterian was burnt in effigy, a Methodist was shot in the leg, and that’s just the start of the story of this constitutional prohibition.
Levites, Whores, and Demoniacs: Here’s How the New NRSV Has Changed
A look at five updates to the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible.
The Woodstock Generation Swallowed Me Up and Spit Me Out
One summer in a hippie commune soured me on the ’60s counterculture. God met me in my disillusionment.
Without Henrietta Mears, Evangelicalism as We Know It Probably Wouldn’t Exist
Meet the woman who mentored the leaders and fostered the institutions that fueled its 20th-century transformation.
How to Fix the Asian American Female Pastor Dilemma
New “PastoraLab” equips women in ministry who feel torn between their culture’s churches and their calling to lead.
Trump Becomes the First President Since Eisenhower to Change Faiths in Office
Like many Christians switching churches, he now identifies as nondenominational

Top Story June 16, 2024

Faithful Fathers
Faithful Fathers
Reports of the death of fatherhood have been greatly exaggerated. There are many good dads, like mine, quietly blessing their children.

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