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The 10 Celebrities Evangelicals Trust Most and Least on Politics
Survey ranks political endorsements from Trump to Oprah to Jerry Falwell Jr.
Billy in the Oval Office: A Story of Faith, Friendship, and Temptation
Journalist Nancy Gibbs recalls Graham's relationship with six decades of American presidents.
Inside the Nixon Years
Chuck Colson tells the inside story of the most controversial relationship in Graham's life.
Stephen Mansfield: Why So Many Conservative Christians Wanted a ‘Pagan Brawler’ in the White House
And how their choice of Trump has affected the church since last year’s election.
White Evangelicals Oppose Calls to Impeach Trump
President’s faithful want him to stay in office, and trust him on Russia.
The Precarious Task of Praying with Presidents in a Media Age
With the whole world watching, spiritual advisers face new challenges.
Trump to Liberty Grads: Outsiders Change the World
Most white evangelicals are happy with the leader Jerry Falwell Jr. calls their ‘dream president.’
Trump’s Religious Liberty Order Doesn’t Answer Most Evangelicals’ Prayers
Prayer breakfast pledge to ‘totally destroy’ Johnson Amendment comes up shy; conscience exemptions from LGBT anti-discrimination rules missing.
Died: Doug Coe, Humble Faith in the Halls of Power
His Fellowship is the force behind DC discipleship and the National Prayer Breakfast.
3 Priorities for Evangelicals in the Trump Years
Actually, they’re worth pursuing no matter who occupies the White House.
Quick To ListenEpisode 42|33min
Do Pastors Belong on the Trump Inauguration Stage?
Samuel Rodriguez explains why he will pray at the next president's swearing-in.
The Story Behind Trump’s Controversial Prayer Partner
What Paula White’s Washington moment implies for the prosperity gospel’s future.
Here’s Who Will Pray at Trump’s Inauguration
(UPDATED) What the president-elect's unusually broad and diverse clergy lineup tells us.
A Farewell to Michelle Obama
No matter where you stand politically, the First Lady has something to offer the church.
5 Books to Read Before Voting in a Presidential Election
Peter Wehner, former presidential aide, helps us wrestle with deeper issues than Candidate A versus Candidate B.
How Urban Christians Failed President Obama
The transgender bathroom directive is the latest sign that we shouldn't have given him a pass.
Trump, Clinton, or Neither: How Evangelicals Are Expected to Vote
(UPDATED) More data on the question debated by Russell Moore, Robert Jeffress, and many others.
When It Comes to the Next President, We Need More Than Strength
From Trump to Clinton, would-be leaders promise authority without vulnerability.
The Singular Humility of America's Only Ordained President
In 1880, James A. Garfield won the country's highest office. He never wanted it.
Stop Calling Ted Cruz a Dominionist
The Christian candidate's faith influences his platform, but not in the ways most critics assume.

Top Story June 17, 2024

Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
Church ‘Homelessness’ Must Not Be Grieved Too Quickly
It’s okay to mourn what’s lost without losing hope for what’s to come.

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